Chapter 20

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The images of dead Tribe members scattered on the ground were flashing like a scene from a movie. The desperate cries from those who lost their mates rang loudly in a deafening tone. The last glimpse of Siara taken away by a Mean zoomed in, focusing on her hopeless face. Then it turned into the sight of her beamed smile from when Kaival told her his true feelings.

Kaival woke up at the slightest sound of his door creaking open. The lights from outside seeped in and he narrowed his eyes.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Trish asked, bringing a tray of food and medicine inside Kaival's tiny lodge.

Kaival sat up, grunting at the aching pounding inside his head. "How's everyone?" He asked.

"Adapting," Trish said. "How's your arm?"

It had been five days since the Means raided the Tribe. All his wounds were perfectly healed, and his ripped arm was growing a new one. Up to his wrist are formed, but his tattoos are gone. He stared at his new arm, feeling strange looking at his plain skin.

"I liked my tattoo," Kaival said.

Trish smiled at his answer. "You can always get it done again," she said, sitting next to his bed and placing the tray on the bedside table.

"What's that?" Kaival glanced at the medicine on the tray, taking the food and eating it.

"A strong painkiller for your headache," Trish said.

"I don't need that."

"Well. in case you change your mind later, I'll leave it here."

"Okay, thanks."

"I'm glad that you eat well after throwing up a lot yesterday."

"That was my body discharging all the wolfsbane injected. I think my brain got muddled between growing my arm and dealing with the wolfsbane. It took days to finally get the poison out of my system so my body can heal normally. I need to get back to health as soon as possible. Then I'm leaving for Siara." Kaival stated.

Trish watched him silently as he took his last bite. Her eyes clouded as the memories of the raid flooded her mind. Kaival took his water and stared at Trish. He could feel that something was off.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Trish sighed. "I'm not sure you are ready to hear it."

"I am. Shoot it."


"I'm fine, Trish. I only need one more day to fully grow my arm. I will leave after that, so if there's anything you want to tell me, tell me now."

Trish stared at the floor for a few seconds, settling down her feelings. "About Siara..." her words were hanging. "Kaival, the Mean didn't kidnap her, she surrendered herself to the Mean," she finally said.

Kaival furrowed his eyes. "What? Why?" His heart tightened hearing that Siara chose to leave.

"One of the less slobbering Means was inside the children's house, but it didn't do anything. It just stood near the door, blocking us from getting out, and it waited."


"Yes, when Siara came into the house, it let her in. Then, it gave her a phone."

"A phone?!"

"Siara put it on speaker. It was Akel. He asked Siara to come back to the Blackstone Mansion."

Kaival pinched his nose. "So she just decided to obey him?"

"No, she refused."

Kaival's eyes snapped back to Trish.

"She made it clear that she won't ever go back to the Mansion. Then Akel said she'll regret her decision. Before the call was off, Akel told the Mean that it failed, and mentioned a name. It wasn't clear, but it definitely triggered the Mean. He began to growl and get aggressive. He..." Trish choked, tears swelled up in her eyes.

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