Chapter 18

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Chaos had fallen on the Tribe. Everyone was running, screaming, and crying. Confusion and shock were clear on their faces. Loud growls from hideous creatures merged with broken bones and ripped flesh, illuminated with dim lights from the lamps and bonfire, made the situation look even more terrifying.

The wild wolves were out for a hunt so no warnings were delivered, and the unexpected ambush made the Tribe an easy target. Kaival was so infuriated that he failed to predict it was happening so soon and took his time to lower his guard instead.

He sprinted as fast as he could with Siara. By the time they reached the Tribe, their heart sank into the ground in horror. Kaival could smell the blood of the tribe members, but Siara smelled it mixed with rotten wounds and wet dogs.

The path to the Tribe's entrance was blocked by Mean Warriors, and the children's house was not far from there.

"The kids!" Siara wailed and darted into the house.

"Siara!" Kaival shouted and grabbed her hand.

"I have to save the kids!" Siara cried.

"Promise me you'll run if you see Acher, or even smell his presence!"

Siara nodded. Kaival reluctantly let her go.

He cursed himself for not being able to detect the Means. He glanced all over the Tribe. A few dead bodies were scattered on the ground, their blood pooled and splattered everywhere. Everyone was panicking and Kaival once again cussed himself.

A Mean grabbed a Tribe member not far from Kaival. Kaival glanced at them and it was Jake. Kaival saw Siara was still running towards the children's house. He grunted in frustration and swiftly dashed to his side, lunged at the Mean that grabbed Jake. He extended his sharp claws and slash the Mean's hand to free Jake.

"Tell everyone to run to the cliff!" Kaival yelled.

Jake was stumbling and suddenly his mate came running in and helped him.

"To the cliff," Jake mouthed.

"Got it, can you run?" His mate asked with concern.

Jake held his bleeding stomach where the Mean grabbed him, "I can manage, please help everyone you can find, Tyler"

Tyler nodded and they both ran, helping and instructing anyone they could find to head to the cliff.

Kaival took down a few more Means while darting his eyes to Siara who reached the house, and Jake and Tyler who helped other members. It turns out that Tyler was quite good at fighting. He couldn't kill the Means, but fueled with his determination to save his mate, he at least managed to injure them enough to slow their mobility.

The Means didn't go after the escaped Tribe members, which convinced Kaival that he was the main target. He let out a loud roar, and all the Mean's heads snapped to him. Dozens of them rushed to his direction and surrounded him. Kaival prepared to kill them all at once, but they were just circling him.

A Mean extensively larger than the rest and looking highly intelligent broke up one side of the circle and approached Kaival. It huffed heavily and tilted his head while staring at him. Then a group of around fifteen Mean Warriors entered the circle and replaced the ones before with a smaller circle.

"Well this is going to be bothersome," Kaival said. He glanced over the children's house and saw that there were no Means there. Apparently they were all focused on him now, and that put Kaival's mind at ease., or so he thought.

Three Mean Warriors charged at Kaival at the same time. Kaival bent down a little and before they could attack him, he jumped high and landed in front of the largest Mean.

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