💫Chapter Two💫

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Zoey woke up in her room alone, She looked around for Jared's wolf when  Charlie walked into her room," Hey Zoey do you want to go to Sam's house and see Jared?" Charlie smiles.

"Yeah! I like Jared. He's nice." Zoey says quietly. Charlie helps Zoey by getting her clothes out and runs a quick bath. Zoey had a bath and some breakfast and they made their way to Sam Uley's house. Zoey had her ear defenders on and had her toy dog in her arms


Jared was waiting for Zoey and was nervous about seeing her again. He relayed what Zoey saw to Paul and Sam but they said they'll wait for her to tell them herself. Zoey looks out of the car to see Jared, Sam, Paul, and Emily standing outside waiting for her.

Jared jogs to Zoey's side of the car and opens the door." Hey there monkey, you okay?" Jared smiles." Hi Jared, I'm okay are you?" Zoey shyly nods." Yeah, I'm great because my favourite girl came to visit today." Jared grins, Zoey looks up and smiles," Me?" Zoey asks with a smile." Yeah! You want some muffins I've saved them just for you?" Jared grins.

Zoey nods and Jared picks her up they run inside and grab the muffins. Jared munches on a muffin as Zoey does. Charlie enters the house with Sam, Paul, and Emily.

"Typical he eating the muffins." Emily chuckles." Yeah, but he's sharing them and he never shares." Sam says with a smile.

Charlie watches Zoey form a bond with Jared."Oh Emily that doesn't have nuts in it does it?" Charlie asked remembering Zoey's nut allergy.

"No, why is she allergic to them?" Emily asks worriedly." She is so no nuts for her please." Charlie says." I'll make sure to do nutless muffins for her." Emily says.

"Zoey I'm going now, I'll see you later. Bye, darling and remember to do some schoolwork before playing okay?" Charlie says waving.

"Bye Charlie, have a good day." Zoey runs and hugs Charlie. Jared made sure all the nutty muffins weren't near Zoey and made sure she had all the fruity ones.

"So Zoey what would you like to do today? Once you've done a bit of schoolwork. Draw? Go to the beach? Or watch a movie?" Emily asks with a smile.

"Um, can we do all three?" Zoey shyly asks." Course we can so which one do you want to do first?"Sam smiles.
"Erm beach first then drawing and movie but no vampire movies I don't like them, "Zoey mutters.

"We don't like vampires here so none of those types of movies is here." Sam says reassuring her."Why don't you like vampires Zoey?" Emily asks gently.

"Cause I saw one and they were attacking someone outside my window four years ago and it scared me since, I screamed and they ran away but they saw me, "Zoey says quietly.

Jared picks her up sensing she was getting scared." Well, don't worry as we won't let them get close to you. Zoey, we will protect you." Jared says softly.

"Pinky promise?" Zoey shyly asks." Pinky promise." Jared smiles. Zoey did a bit of schoolwork with Jared supporting her and Emily checked the work before they went to the beach.

The pack heads off to the beach, Zoey sees Jake, Embry, and Quil on the beach and takes off running towards Jake." JAKE!" Zoey shouts as she runs and Jake turns to see her coming towards him and kneels and catches her." Hey Zoey." Jake says greeting the nine-year-old.

Embry and Quil come to meet Zoey and she waves shyly at them." Hi, I'm Embry." Embry waves." I'm Quil." Quil waves."I'm Zoey Dywer, nice to meet ya." Zoey says with a smile.

Jared watches her from afar, and Zoey looks at the water with Jake. She puts her feet in the water and giggles.

Jake holds Zoey's hands and they go in the water." It's cold!" Zoey squeals happily." Want to swim Zoey?' Jake asked." I can't swim," Zoeysaysquietly

"I'll teach you," Jake smiles. They jump into the water and Zoey squeals happily. Jared smiles at Zoey having fun.

"Go and join her Jar." Emily says softly." I don't want to disturb her fun, I'll let her be." Jared says softly.

Zoey looks for Jared and sees him with Paul, Sam, and Emily." JARED!!" Zoey shouts him over and Jared quickly gets up and jogs over." Yes, princess?" Jared says with a smile.

"Come in the water!!" Zoey says splashing him. Jared takes his shorts off and jumps in the water with Jake and Zoey. Zoey giggles at the fun she having.

The pack has been at the beach for a couple of hours, Jake and the boys left an hour ago. Zoey got tired and Jared picked up a sleepy Zoey.

They all head back and Emily goes and grabs Claire's spare clothes and changes Zoey before she falls asleep." Zoey, do you want to have a nap sweetie?" Emily asks." Yes please, can Jared stay with me?" Zoey asks sleepily.

"Of course." Emily smiles." JARED! Emily shouts at him. Jared jogs up the stairs, "Zoey wants you to lay with her while she sleeps. So stay with her." Emily says slipping out of the room.

Jared lays beside Zoey who leans into his chest and falls asleep. Sam and Paul appear in the doorway." She saw a normad vampire killing a human No wonder she didn't speak for four years and screamed." Jared whispers. Sam nods," We'll protect her Jared she won't be harmed by them ever," Sam says with a look.

"Those leeches across the treaty best not touch her either," Paul mutters."They won't because I'm making the Swan house neutral grounds from now on so they can't touch her," Sam says.

Sam and Paul leave Jared to be with Zoey who was fast asleep next to him."I'll protect you always Zoey  Dywer," Jared whispers.

He pulls her closer and she grips his arms."No! Get away from me!" Zoey whimpers in her sleep. Zoey shot up awake screaming and Sam covered Emily's ears.

" ZOEY!" Jared shouts waking her up. She looks around to see Jared beside her."You're here with me, you're not there." Jared reassures her."I saw them again, they were here looking for me." Zoey whimper.

"Do you remember what they look like?" Jared asked." No, I'm trying to but it's hard to describe them." Zoey says sadly."It's okay maybe tomorrow you can try and draw it. Shall we go and watch a movie with Sam, Paul, and Emily?" Jared offers.

"Yeah! Coraline please?" Zoey asks with a smile. Jared nods and they head downstairs and see Emily doing lunch." Hey, Zoey would you like something to eat now or during the movie?" Emily asks." Now please and we are going to watch Coraline." Zoey says with a smile.

Zoey eats lunch with Jared as Paul sets up the DVD player. Zoey runs over grabs the soft blanket sits on Jared's lap cuddles up with Jared and watches Coraline with him.

"Have you got Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Or Alice in Wonderland?" Zoey asked before the film started." We have both Zoey." Sam smiles and grabs the two films.

Four hours later, Zoey fell asleep in Jared's arms and Charlie came to pick her up. Charlie lifts her from Jared's lap and Jared wakes up to see Zoey being picked up."Thanks for having her guys. I hope she was good for you." Charlie says.

"She was, she had a day at the beach, she swam and watched movies with us." Sam says with a smile." That's good, Is she okay to come back tomorrow?" Charlie wonders." Of course, we love to have her over again." Emily says softly.

Charlie nods in thanks and they head off home. Charlie puts Zoey in bed and Jared is outside in wolf form ready to protect her all night long with Sam's permission.

Jared sniffs the air smelling a certain Cullen close by and growls in warning to the Cullen. The Cullen left not wanting to annoy Jared further. Jared stays close by Zoey's window all night long

Chapter two is done ✔️ Zoey has met Embry and Quil properly. Zoey revealed to Sam, Paul, and Emily what she saw a year ago. It was a vampire😳.

1. How was this chapter?

2. Do we like Jared and Zoey's bond?

3. Do we want to guess the vampires that Zoey saw?

4. Do we like Zoey's bond with Jake?

5. Should Zoey's meet the Cullens?

6. How cute is Zoey?

Zoey Dywer-Jared Cameron Fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now