✨️Chapter Twenty-four✨️

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Zoey and Charlie were in Vancouver with Bucky and Wynter for five weeks. Charlie wanted Zoey out of the way and to be able to have a good time without the threat of being dragged into the newborn army training or fighting.

"Is mom and her friend okay Dad?" Zoey asked softly as they looked out at the ocean."They are sweetie," Charlie says softly kissing her head as the dogs run around on the beach.

Zoey was enjoying her quiet time away but missed Jared and the pack very much and wished Jared could have come along for the trip.

With the pack-

Ziva and Aurora were with the pack when Sam got a phone call from Carlisle." Yes?" Sam asked." We need help we have a newborn army coming our way which is a threat to Forks and the reservation will you help us out?" Carlisle asks politely.

"We will help but no more after this as you don't deserve our help, we don't do this for yours or Bella's sake just the tribes," Sam warns." Yes of course sorry," Carlisle says.

"We are going to do training sessions as these newborns aren't like us. They are more dangerous than us so come and join us tomorrow please," Carlisle mentions.

"We'll be there all of us but two won't be there," Sam says." Great middle of the woods is where we are going to work together," Carlisle says politely." No problem," Sam says hanging up the phone.

Ziva and Aurora stood with Sam," There's a child on the field at the battle and she must not be harmed, Zoey says she's worth saving and I will honour that," Aurora told Sam." Of course, I will tell them that if they see her protect her," Sam says with a soft smile.

"Jasper and Emmett are to be saved as well and Aurora is planning on stripping them and Bree Tanner of her vampire state, "Ziva tells Sam." That's lovely of you, Bree looks so young too," Emily notes."Zoey said she's only fourteen and suffered a bad life," Ziva tells her.

"Hey here's an idea why not give them a wolf? And they can have a new life and a wolf too?" Emily suggests softly.

"I like that and we can help them three start again," Sam nods." I can do that Yes, I think they deserve a real life and I see Emmett being a fantastic wolf," Ziva nods.

"Can I speak with the pack Sam?' Ziva says with a smile." Of course, go for it," Sam nods." Hey guys, girls can we talk for a moment please?"Ziva asked and the entire pack and imprints looked at Ziva.

"So tomorrow when we go meet with the Cullens it's important you blank out Zoey and Charlie's location as Edward will most likely be looking for her. Is that understood?" Ziva says.

Everyone nodded in understanding and Jared was sitting in Zoey's safe place as he missed her and wasn't happy without her.

"Second of all Zoey has left a note saying if you see a girl with long wavy brunette hair and red eyes and checked top to leave her alone as she's not a threat but an ally," Ziva says

"She's Jasper's true mate and Aurora here is going to strip her, Jasper and Emmett of their vampire state and give them wolves instead," Ziva adds." Can we see what she looks like? So we all know?" Jake asked.

Ziva nods and shows everyone Bree's photo.

The photo-

"Now don't think about Charlie, Zoey, or Bree during the Training tomorrow as we don't want them to click on about them," Ziva says softly smiling

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"Now don't think about Charlie, Zoey, or Bree during the Training tomorrow as we don't want them to click on about them," Ziva says softly smiling.

"They won't. If Edward tries anything I want to rip his head off," Jared says lowly." He won't otherwise I'll light his ass on fire and turn him to dust," Ziva says with a look.

"Everyone rest up and enjoy this day with your imprints as you will be busy for the next two weeks," Sam says with authority. Everyone nods and spends time with their imprints." I wish Zoey was here" Jared says softly.

Aurora thought about sending Jared to be with Zoey," Sam can we talk alone?" Aurora says nudging her head towards outside. Sam nods in understanding, What's up?" Sam asked.

"Jared needs to be with Zoey as this isn't healthy for him or her, so what if I sent him to Zoey's location and he came back for the battle? We just tell him the plan when he comes back?" Aurora tells Sam.

Sam looks at Jared all miserable without Zoey and he nods," Send him," Sam says with a smile. Aurora nods in thanks and goes to Jared's side," Here go and find them," Aurora says showing Jared where Zoey and Charlie are." But the training and the battle?" Jared says." You will miss the training but you will have to come home for the battle okay?" Aurora says with a soft smile.

Jared nodded in understanding and looked at Sam," Go be with Zoey, Jared we got this, and remember to come home for the battle we'll let you know when it is alright?" Sam says with a soft smile." Thanks, Sam, I appreciate this," Jared nods." Go pack a bag and go," Emily says giving him food for the road.

Jared waves goodbye and heads off to Vancouver to find Zoey and Charlie which will take him a day to get there via wolf form. Jared grabbed his bag and food and ran towards Vancouver in the hopes of finding Zoey and being with her till it was time to fight the newborn vampires.

Chapter 24 is done ✔️ Jared has left to find Zoey and be with her 🥹💕 Ziva and Aurora have told the pack their intentions!

How was this chapter?

Who expected Aurora to suggest that Jared go and be with Zoey till the battle is here?

Who expected Emily to suggest giving Jasper, Emmett and Bree wolves?

6 chapters left!!

Who is happy to see Edward, Alice and Bella go bye bye?!

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