🎲Chapter Six🎲

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Zoey was scared stiff to leave outside now without Jared Paul or Sam. Sam was arranging for a meeting with the Cullens as this was not acceptable.

Sam, Jared, and Paul made their way to Cullens's home leaving Zoey with Sue Clearwater hospital who with Charlie's consent gave her a sedative to help her sleep as she not sleeping well at night.

The Cullens all stood outside with their mates and Edward stood alone. Sam, Paul, and Jared arrived in wolf form and Jared was pissed." We've come to talk about Zoey Dywer."  Sam thinks out. Edward translated for the Coven," What about her?" Carlise asked.

"Thanks to your and Bella's actions she is now sleep-deprived and scared stiff to leave the pack home," Sam says angrily.

"This is now an issue, any further interference from you. I will rip this coven apart. I have no issue with Emmett or Jasper they have the common sense to protect her," Sam says as Edward translates.

"We are sincerely sorry for the mess that's happened we didn't realize they would even come our way," Carlise says," They were leaving forks but heard us play," Alice says," You knew they were near the field didn't you?" Jared growls, Edward translates Jared's thoughts and Alice gulps and backs up.

"Tell that toothpick elf, if she purposely hides anything again from us I will tear her apart myself!" Jared growls with teeth bared. Edward nods in understanding and repeats. Emmett and Jasper both burst out laughing at the toothpick elf comment." I'm sorry," Both said seeing everyone's faces.

"You are all to stay away from Zoey Dywer, this is your first and only warning, Don't cross us we won't hesitate to tear you down," Sam says with a snarl, "Of course again we apologize for our actions," Carlise says gently.

"Sam you should know, that Zoey is a Banshee a human woman with the ability to access the supernatural and is a harbinger of death. She can experience premonitions of one's impending death. Their predictions appear to them as causal factors of near- or affirmative death experiences," Carlisle reveals.

"Thank you, we knew she was a Banshee when she said she heard voices," Jared nodded and the three-man pack ran home and Jared went to the children's rez hospital where a sleeping Zoey was.

Jared knocked on Zoey's hospital room door and Seth Clearwater opened the door and smiled" Hi Jared, she's still asleep but you can sit beside her," Seth smiled." Thanks, Seth, you're a good friend to us," Jared says with a soft smile.

Seth smiles and nods in thanks and heads off to find his mom. Jared walks in shuts the door sits by Zoey's bedside and holds her hand.

"I'm sorry princess, I should have been with you that day. It's my fault but I will never let you be alone I will be here from dusk till dawn," Jared says gently.

"I will put my life on the line for you Zoey Dywer never will let anyone harm you," Jared whispers sadly. Jared stayed the entire day with Zoey till Charlie arrived to take over." Hey Jared, how is she?" Charlie asked gently." Sleeping Sir," Jared says with a sad expression.

"Whatever happened out there affected her, I wish I knew what she saw," Charlie muttered. Jared was conflicted to tell him but he knew Charlie deserved to know something happened to cause this.

"Sir, Zoey told me a while back she saw a white man kill someone outside her room with two others a black male and a white female. She saw them again in the field, but they ran away from the field. The news said a white male body was found in the burning body and it was the same man who she saw kill another." Jared says.

Charlie looks at Jared," Oh my gosh, no wonder she is terrified. She thinks he'll come back. They might come back the two others, You able to give me a description of them?" Charlie asks.

Jared nodded, "Actually we have a drawn picture as Zoey drew them," Jared says showing Charlie the photo of the three nomads.

"Thanks, Jared, I'll keep a hold of this, You can head home now I got her, Thanks for being here for her," Charlie says with a gentle nod.

Jared nods and heads out to leave and looks at Charlie and Zoey one more time. Jared heads to Billy's House and speaks with him.

"Hi Billy can we talk privately please?" Jared asked." Sure, Jake do you mind?" Billy says." No problem, see around Jare," Jake says jogging away." So what can I do you for?" Billy asked.

"I told Charlie today about the three nomads, not the vampire side and that. Was that wrong of me? I felt like he deserved to know something that had happened with Zoey," Jared asked.

"No you were right to do that, he does deserve to know what is going on to an extent. He can help Zoey better now he knows so well done Jared, but that's not what else is bothering you is there?"Billy says.

"I was wondering if Zoey would be okay if I went away for a while. I need to try and be a better imprint for her. I failed her twice already." Jared says sadly.

"Jared, you've not failed her, not at all that nut incident was an accident and the other thing was the Cullens and Bella's fault," Billy reassures him.

"You don't need to leave her to be a better imprint you are an amazing imprint Emily told me she wanted you and only you after the baseball game. You are doing a good job," Billy says with a smile.

Jared nods, "Now go home and get some sleep, I hear Sue is going to wake Zoey up tomorrow afternoon to see how she is feeling," Billy smiles. Jared nods and waves goodbye to Billy and Jake and heads home.


Chapter six is done ✔️ Zoey has been sent to the children's hospital in the rez for sleep deprivation and has been put in a medical coma to help her sleep.

Jared has told Charlie the truth albeit minus the vampire part. The Cullens have had a visit from the pack and have given a very luminous threat.

1. How was this chapter?
2. Do we agree that Charlie deserves to know what happened?
3. Who loves this story?
4. Who is excited for Embry to phase soon?
5. How sweet is Jared with Zoey?

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