💜Chapter Twenty-Six💜

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The Newborn battle had arrived and all the imprints were at the pack house. Colin and Brady were staying at the house with Emily to protect the imprints."Right everyone ready?" Sam asked." Ready!" The pack replies and they all exit the pack house.

The pack phased and Ziva climbed onto Sam's back, and Aurora climbed onto Jared's. Jared got back late last night and managed to catch up with everything fairly quickly and they all ran to the fighting field.

Ziva jumped onto Seth's back and they headed up the mountain. Jacob was just leaving as they nodded to him as he ran down the mountain.

"Seth go hide she's coming," Edward informs Seth, Bella hides behind Edward, and Victoria and Riley turn up.

Edward Victoria and Riley started to fight and Seth came out of his hiding place and fought alongside Edward surprising Riley and Victoria. Seth took on Riley as Ziva began to fight with Riley as well.

Bella cut her arm and got Victoria's attention and Edward tried to get Victoria but Ziva hellhound grabbed him." Ziva let go she's gonna kill her!" Edward tries to plead.

"You threatened my pup and mate! I don't help people I see as my enemy!" Ziva growls as Victoria kills Bella ripping her throat wide open and draining her blood.

Edward watched as Bella died and Ziva grinned lowly at him." Don't worry you will see her soon, in hell," Ziva says lighting Edward up and ripping him to pieces." Die disco fairy die!" Ziva shouts happily.

Ziva and Seth made their way down to the field." Where's Edward and Bella?" Alice asked." Gone we got outnumbered up there," Ziva lies. Aurora had Bree in her arms and Jasper was by her side as was Emmett.

"They're coming! The Volturi are coming!" Alice says and everyone stands as Alec, Jane, Felix, and Demitri appear. Ziva holds Bree close to her and Jasper covers her as well.

"It appears you've done our work for us," Jane says."Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact," Jane compliments

"We were lucky," Carlise says."I doubt that" Jane scoffs."It appears we missed an entertaining fight," Alec smirks."Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary," Jane says.

"If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose," Alice says."Pity," Jane says. Jane sees Bree," You've missed one," Jane says." She's under my protection," Ziva says showing her fire powers as Aurora gets her red magic out.

"Leave! I won't ask again nicely," Ziva growls letting the hellhound out." Fine, we'll let this one live just this once," Jane says backing away." Where's the human and the other Cullen?" Alec asked." Dead," Ziva says coldly.

"Looks like you were wrong Alice, and lied to us," Aro says appearing behind the guards with Caius and Marcus." You must be Ziva David and Aurora?" Aro notes." We are," Zova nods.

"You two and your friend there can go," Aro says looking at Bree." Thank you, we need Jasper and Emmett to come with us," Aurora says lowly." Of course, thank you for your help today," Aro says with a smile."Not a problem," Ziva says with a soft nod.

They all stood by the tree and watched what went down between the Cullens and the Volturi Kings. They watched as Jane and Alec brought Alice to her knees and made the other three bear witness to the execution of Alice. Alice got ripped to pieces and the pieces got burnt and the Volturi left leaving the three Cullens alone.

Aurora and Ziva faced Emmett, Jasper and Bree who were confused as to why they were dragged away." I can give you three of your human lives back and give you three wolves to start again with. Do you accept?" Aurora asked." We accept," All three answered.

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