🧸Chapter Three🧸

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Zoey was at home with Bella and Charlie as Charlie wasn't taking Zoey to Sam's till midday as he had the morning off." Charlie, can we watch Scooby doo?" Zoey asked with a smile." Yes, sweet Pea, go get the remote and we can watch the cartoons all morning long." Charlie smiles.

Bella comes down the stairs with a skimpy style of clothing and Zoey frowns and looks at Charlie who turns to see Bella wearing skimpy clothes." Bella go and change you are not wearing that to school." Charlie says with a stern tone."Why?" Bella asked." Because I said so go change now." Charlie repeats.

Bella scoffs and goes and gets changed before leaving. Charlie and Zoey have a bit of bonding time till one p.m. Jared had just gotten to Sam's house and waited for Zoey to arrive.

Charlie got Zoey ready for the afternoon at Sam's house. Charlie drives down to the rez and Jared's ears perked up as a familiar car turns in the driveway.

Jared exited the pack house and saw Zoey standing with Charlie waiting to be let in." Hi Jared, can we watch Scooby doo please?"Zoey asks with a bright smile."Of course monkey." Jared smiles.

"Zoey, I'll be back to pick you up around about half-eight tonight so be good and I'll see you later okay?" Charlie says." Okay bye, Charlie I love you." Zoeyy says with a smile." I love you too." Charlie says kissing Zoey's forehead.

Emily smiles at Zoey's bond with Charlie and Jared. She's happy that Jared has got Zoey in his life." Emily, can I have a muffin please?" Zoey asks with a smile."Of course, here you go little one." Emily says passing her a nut-free muffin.

Zoey happily munches on a muffin with Jared." Zoey, would you mind drawing the person you saw attacking that person?" Sam asked gently." I can try?" Zoey slowly nods. Sam passes Zoey a piece of paper and a pencil and she draws three people but more intensely the second male.

"That's who I saw, the middle man. Then I saw them two beside him." Zoey meekly says. Sam, Jared, and Paul all exchanged looks as if those were the three they'd been chasing." Zoey if you see those three again make sure you tell us." Sam firmly tells her." Why are they here?!" Zoey freaks out."No. But I want to make sure that you understand that you are to tell us if you see them." Sam says gently.

Zoey nods meekly and Jared sends Sam a glare unhappy that he made Zoey frightened. Jared picks up Zoey and she hugs him feeling afraid and worried." No one will harm you as long as I'm here Zoey." Jared whispers.

"I'm scared Jared, Don't let them get me I don't want to die!" Zoey says tearfully." And they won't, Zoey. I'll protect you with my life, I'd die for you little one." Jared says looking into Zoey's eyes.

"Don't die please?" Zoey says tearfully."I would for you because I'm making you a promise that you are my life and I will always protect you from harm." Jared says with a soft smile." I want you safe too and I don't want to hear voices telling me you're gonna die and then I have to scream." Zoey says shakily.

"I'll always be safe." Jared smiles and hugs Zoey who hugs Jared tightly." Zoey what do you mean by voices and then needing to scream?" Sam asked.

"Before that person got killed by them vampires I had overlapping voices in my head that were getting louder than suddenly when I saw the person die I screamed," Zoey admits holding her toy close.

"My mom, half-sister, and dad thought I was crazy and they just abandoned me and got me diagnosed with autism, and ADHD and they got a doctor to put Schizophrenia on my medical records," Zoey cries.

Jared pulls Zoey into his lap and hugs her lightly." You're not crazy Zoey, you're a special kind little girl who shouldn't have seen that terrible thing so young," Jared says softly. Zoey nods and Jared holds her for a few moments.

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