🐾Chapter Thirty🐾

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It's been three weeks since Charlie and Ziva went away. The reservation and Forks have been at peace since the remaining three Cullens have left town.

Charlie and Ziva were due to come home tomorrow evening and Sue was planning a big homecoming for them. Emily and Aurora were going to help out with the homecoming party.

Zoey has just started school and her banshee powers have died down enough for her to be able to attend school with Naomi, Brady Colin, and their imprints.

Jared picks Zoey up every single day and takes her to the pack house where she can either do homework, have time to herself, or have something to eat.

Everyone had decided that they were either starting a family or they were going to travel the world after school was done. Aurora and Emmett have decided to move to England since they want to start fresh and start again.

"Right, Ziva and Charlie are coming home tomorrow so let's get the house organized and ready for their homecoming, "Aurora says grabbing everyone's attention.

"Aurora, would you like me and Bree to help with anything?" Jasper asked showing the plates."You can help put the decorations up," Aurora tells everyone.

The whole pack begins to organize the house clean it up and make a homecoming party ready for tomorrow evening.

"I'm excited as this is how I'm glad my life has turned out, this is my favourite ending I like to see," Zoey says with a smile." We'll have more good endings together Zoe," Jared says hugging her." If they are with you, Jay then I'll happily take them with you," Zoey grins.

Jared and Zoey had one last night together before Charlie and Ziva returned as they can't have many sleepovers till the weekend now.


It's the day that Charlie and Ziva come home everyone is busy doing their homecoming party, getting the food ready and the party decorations.

"Right, Ziva and Charlie are coming home in three hours so let's get the house organised and ready for their homecoming, "Sue says grabbing everyone's attention.

"Sue, would you like us to help put these on the table?" Zoey asked showing the plates as Jared helped her out. "Yes please thank you," Sue smiles." Anything we can do?" Sam asked.

"Yes split the task of putting the decorations up and making drinks for everyone as Charlie and Ziva will be here in half an hour," Sue smiles.

Everyone gets the place organised in time as Charlie arrives with Ziva." Hey gang," Charlie greets everyone and Zoey runs to her parents," Mom! Dad!" Zoey squeals happily." Hey princess, we have some news for you and I think it's important everyone knows," Charlie says as Ziva joins their side.

"I am officially Zoey's adopted mother!!" Ziva shouts happily and Zoey jumps up and down," Yes!!!!" Zoey shouts and runs around happily." I am so happy I could die happily," Zoey says with a grin." We love you Zoey Swan and we have brought you a beautiful gift from France," Charlie says with a smile.

"What is it?" Zoey asked." We got you a snow globe and we got you wolf posters and a French dress green and sparkling," Ziva says showing her the gifts one by one." Thank you, I love them, Mom," Zoey says with a smile.

Everyone enjoyed the mini homecoming party and they all were about to leave when Aurora spoke up." We have some news we wish to announce," Aurora says standing with Emmett gaining everyone's attention." We are leaving Forks and moving away to England as we want to start again from fresh," Emmett says with a smile.

"It's going to be quiet without you two but we are happy for you both, please don't be strangers, the pair of you," Sam says with a smile." Thank you  and we'll always come back to visit you all," Aurora says with a grin." You better as I want you to come back," Jasper says with a smile.

"Never gonna leave you, bro," Emmett says pulling Jasper into a hug." We got each other's back brother," Jasper tells him." Hope we see you again," Bree says hugging both Aurora and Emmett." Oh, you will, never not gonna come back, we are all tied together," Aurora says with a wink.

Everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways for the night. Jared was about to leave when Charlie stopped him," You can stay the night son but in Bella's old room," Charlie says with a look and a smile." Thank you, sir," Jared nods in thanks.

Zoey sneaks into Jared's bed and lays with him all night long." I don't want us to be separated as I don't like being away from you," Zoey admits shyly." Me neither, but you know and I know we'll always be tied together as you and I are bound together now," Jared softly smiles.

Charlie and Ziva looked to see the two fast asleep and Jared protectively holding Zoey close to his chest." She'll need him as high school boys are assholes and girls are mean," Ziva says with a soft look." I know I am glad he's got her, I know he'll keep her safe and happy," Charlie whispers.

Chapter 30 is done ✔️ That's Zoey's book come to an end 🥺❤️

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