🎆Chapter Seven🎆

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Zoey was still in a medically induced coma and is set to be woken up today. Charlie and Jared were by her side as Sue woke her up. Zoey slowly stirred awake and saw Charlie by her side.

"Hi sweet girl, you're alright I'm here," Charlie spoke ever so softly and stroked Zoey's hair."Are they gone?" Zoey asked."Yes baby girl they are gone," Charlie says gently.Jared came closer to Zoey's side so she could see him."Hi Jay," Zoey says sleepily. 

"Hey, Zoe, how are you, sweet girl?" Jared says with a sad smile."Why are you sad?" Zoey asked. "Because I've missed you, I've missed my partner in crime," Jared smiles at Zoey. "I missed you too," Zoey smiles.

"Hello Zoey, I'm Sue you remember me don't you?" Sue asked gently. "I do, yeah," Zoey nods. "You can go home with Charlie now, but I'll see you regularly from now on as I want to make sure you're better now, is that okay?" Sue asked gently

"Yes that's okay," Zoey nods before facing Charlie," Can Jared come back with us?" Zoey asked softly.

"If he makes you feel safe then yes," Charlie nods. "I'd like him to come back with us," Zoey smiles.

"Chief I'd like to come along with your permission," Jared asked politely."You may Jared, you're lucky I like you," Charlie smiles

Zoey giggled happily and sat patiently whilst Sue took her IV out and Seth entered the room with a bouncy energy vibe."Hello, I'm Seth nice to meet you," Seth smiles. "You're funny! I'm Zoey," Zoey giggles.

Sue took her IV out and Charlie lifted Zoey and put her down. Zoey walked to Jared and hugged him tightly and Jared hugged her back and kept a protective hold of her. Zoey heads over to Seth and hugs him and he returns the hug.

"You'll have to come and see me soon," Seth grins. "Definitely," Zoey smiles."Can I stay over one night Auntie Sue?" Zoey asked softly."Most definitely little one," Sue smiles.

Charlie did the paperwork for Zoey's release and Jared picked Zoey up and they got ready to head home. Sam was made aware that he was going to stay with Zoey today as Harry and Sue Clearwater informed him.

"Jared? Bella isn't home is she or Edward?" Zoey shakily asks

"Bella probably, Edward I hope not," Jared grits out.

"I don't want them near me, I like Jasper and Emmett but not them," Zoey whimpers.

"I know you don't, and Jasper and Emmett are the nicer two of that family," Jared smiles softly.

"Emmett like Paul, funny and protective, they should be friends," Zoey says with a smile.

"Agreed, but Paul is a stubborn one," Jared chuckles.

"We should arrange a play date for them," Zoey giggles.

"Ooh got to surprise them first," Jared chuckles.

Charlie comes for Zoey and they leave the reservation hospital and head home.

Zoey holds Jared's hand as they head to Charlie's home and Charlie sees a familiar car and grips the steering wheel harshly.

"Jared he's here," Zoey whimpers.

"We'll deal with him," Charlie says gently.

Charlie, Jared, and Zoey exit the car and catch Edward and Bella coming down the stairs.

"You! Out now!" Charlie yells at Edward.

"I'll make sure he leaves Chief," Jared glares at Edward.

Jared puts Zoey down grabs Edward by the back of his neck and throws him out of the house.

"You were warned to not be at this house any longer," Jared grits out aggressively.

"I know, I had to make sure Bella was okay," Edward says.

"Never mind her, my imprint is fucking terrified of you, Bella, and your kind so leave and don't come back to this house because if you do and I catch a whiff of you I'll rip you to pieces and burn you to ash got it!" Jared snarls.

Edward shakily nods knowing he is serious as he knows Jared isn't aggressive like Paul is.

Edward leaves and Jared goes inside Zoey has tears in her eyes.

"Hey what's wrong," Jared says kneeling in front of her.

"He scares me, he's like them and I don't want them around me, promise you'll stay," Zoey cries hugging Jared tightly.

"I promise, I won't leave you, Zoe, I think Claire is visiting this weekend I'll ask Sam if he could have you with Charlie's permission of course?" Jared says looking up at Charlie.

"Yes, that's fine, as long as Emily and Sam don't mind a full house," Charlie says.

"Why did you kick Edward out?! He didn't do anything?!" Bella shouts.

"Because he scares Zoey and I'm not having her scared, she is my main priority. She was scared stiff and you were more bothered about a boy, Zoey had to be in a medically induced coma because of what happened at the baseball game so don't even start with me, Bella," Charlie yells.

Bella glares at Zoey and Jared glares right back at her. Zoey hides her face in Jared's chest. Bella stomps upstairs and slams her door.

"Sorry about that Jared," Charlie apologies.

"No don't worry about it," Jared wavers off the apology.

"Do you two fancy pizza?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah!" Zoey says happily.

Charlie chuckles and begins to make pizza and Zoey picks up a movie for them to watch. Jared puts Scooby doo and Zombie Island on for them to watch.

Charlie returns to see Zoey snuggled into Jared's chest as they watched Scooby doo.

"Jared I'm grateful to you as Zoey doesn't seem scared and has bonded with you," Charlie says with a smile.

"She's my everything Chief, I said I wouldn't let anyone harm her and I intend to keep it sir," Jared smiles softly.

The trio eats their pizza and watches Scooby doo movies for the rest of the evening. Zoey fell asleep peacefully in Jared's arms and Jared fell asleep with her. Charlie puts a big blanket over them and leaves them to sleep on the couch.

Chapter seven is done ✔️ kind of short one but full of fluff and a protective Jared. Cute scenes between Seth and Zoey.


1. Who is loving Jared right now?

2. Best duo in the whole book?

3. Zoey going to celebrate her 10th birthday Should the pack allow Jasper and Emmett to come to her party?

4. Who's excited for Embry and Jake to phase soon?

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