🩰Chapter Seventeen🩰

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Zoey was allowed to come to the reservation to see everyone as Sam decided that Jared and Zoey needed to see each other again. Zive drove Zoey down to see the pack and Jared was waiting for Zoey and Zoey hopped out of the car." JARED!!!" Zoey squeals happily as she runs to Jared and jumps into his arms.

Like this-

"I've missed you, Zoey, I have, I'm sorry I've not been there for you, I just wanted to catch her so you were safe again," Jared says softly kissing Zoey's forehead

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"I've missed you, Zoey, I have, I'm sorry I've not been there for you, I just wanted to catch her so you were safe again," Jared says softly kissing Zoey's forehead." I know. You've been busy, can I see your wolf again? I've missed him!" Zoey smiles. Jared nods and goes into the wood phases into his wolf and exits." Fluffy doggy!!" Zoey squeals happily hugging his head.

Zoey climbs onto his back and he takes her for a run to which Jake joins them." Hey Jake," Zoey says with a smile. Jake huffs in response and the three go for a run with Ziva watching them. Zoey sat on Jared's back and they looked at the ocean from the tree line.

"It's pretty, before I came here I had never seen a beach or an ocean I was always kept inside," Zoey confesses. Jared whines," It's alright, I live here now so I can be here anytime I like," Zoey says softly stroking Jared's head. Ziva came out of the woods with the dogs," Hey you, best come down so the boys can shift back and get dressed," Ziva said softly hugging Zoey.

Zoey nodded and jumped down and stood with Bucky and Wynter who were fussing over her and she was fussing them." Hey Ziva, Zoey," Jake greets the two as he comes out and Jared exits the woods," Hey monkey," Jared says with a smile." Have you got to do patrol or have you got the day off with me?" Zoey wonders.

"It's just you and me today, Ziva and Jake are going to do patrol together and we and the dogs will go to the pack house where Emily is and have movie days all day," Jared smiles," Yay!!" Zoey squeals happily." Get going you two and stay safe," Ziva says." Always," Zoey says with a smile and Jared puts Zoey on his back and takes her back to the house.

Emily turns around hearing footsteps as do Bianca, Carly and Rachel." Hi, I'm back!" Zoey says with a smile." Hiya, do you want anything to eat or drink?" Emily asked with a smile." Not right now but thank you," Zoey smiles.

Emily nods and goes back to doing what she was doing as Sam arrives with Paul and Embry," Hey Zoey," Paul waves." Hi Paul," Zoey waves.

Jared puts Zoey's all-time favourite film on Coraline and sits with her as she watches it," I like this film it's cool I like the colours," Zoey says as she watches the film.

Jared snuggles up with Zoey and holds her close as he's missed her loads and Zoey clings to him also. Zoey and Jared fall asleep cuddling with one another and Emily puts one of Zoey's soft blankets on that is a comfort to her and leaves the duo to sleep.


Chapter seventeen is done ✔️ Zoey and Jared are reunited 🫶❤️ Cute brother and sister bond 💓

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Bella comes back and causes trouble at Jake's door!!

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