《Chapter Ten》

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Three months have passed since the Cullens left Forks and Bella has non stopped screaming. Zoey isn't sleeping well due to Bella and voices in her head building again." Charlie, can I stay with Jared?" Zoey asked tiredly." No, but you can stay with Jake and Billy?"Charlie says with a smile.

"Okay, can I take Bucky and Wynter with me?" Zoey asks."Sure kiddo go and get a bag together As Billy already said you're welcome to stop anytime," Charlie smiles. Zoey gets ready puts her ear defenders on and puts Bucky and Wynter on their leads.

"I'm ready Charlie," Zoey says quietly." Come on Princess let's get you to Jake's house," Charlie says taking the lead and picking Zoey up. Zoey fell asleep in the car and Charlie drove to the reservation to Billy's House where Jake was waiting for her." Hiya Jake, she's very exhausted, so let her sleep," Charlie says softly.

Jake nods and lifts Zoey and she snuggles into Jake's chest. He takes her to his room and lays with her as Charlie brings Bucky and Wynter inside." She's not sleeping again due to Bella screaming and she said she feels a need to scream so can you watch after her?" Charlie asked Billy." Of course," Billy says softly.

Charlie leaves and Billy gets on the phone with a friend who he knows is a hellhound and she could help Zoey to scream safely." Sam, I need you or Jared to go and pick up a friend from the airport, Her name is Ziva David and she is supernatural," Billy tells Sam.

"She's a hellhound and she's gonna help Zoey to scream safely as Zoey needs to scream but it's dangerous for her to scream without killing someone," Billy explains to Sam." Jared agreed to go get Ziva, and he wants to be there for her," Sam says." You can't as Ziva won't allow anyone there as it's dangerous for us," Billy says gently.

Zoey was still sleeping next to Jake and Jared picked Ziva up who was ready to help with the world's youngest Banshee. Jared pulled up to Billy's House and knocked on the door," Ziva, Jared, come in," Billy said softly. "Hello Billy, I need her to come out now," Ziva says with a look as her eyes glow orange." Jared go wake her up but make sure you and Jake stay there with the dogs," Billy instructs him.

Jared nods and goes to get Zoey," Zoey, there's someone here to see you," Jared says softly. Zoey wakes up and sees Ziva by the door with Billy and he enters the room," Go on we'll wait here, she won't harm you, she wants to help," Billy says with a smile.

"Jared comes too?" Zoey asks." No this is only for us," Ziva says with a soft smile. Zoey nods and leaves the room," Okay do you feel that need to scream?" Ziva asked." Y-yeah I do," Zoey says quietly." I'm a hellhound do you know what that is?" Ziva asked." No? What is that?" Zoey asks.

"A protector of the supernatural world and we are harbinger of death, I'm bound to someone like you and you're what is known as a Banshee, a person who hears spirits, and screams as a warning," Ziva explains.

Ziva allows her hellhound side to come out and Zoey looks at her," You're like a werewolf with fire surrounding you," Zoey says with a smile." We are known as the black dogs of the underworld," Ziva says with a smile." Ziva I need to scream!" Zoey cries out as she feels voices overwhelming her head.

Zoey goes to scream and Ziva hugs her, Zoey screams and the blast of the scream is contained safely. Zoey looks up at Ziva who looks down at her and smiles." There you can scream safely with me around, I'll help you and I'll protect you alongside Jared," Ziva says with a smile." I'd like that," Zoey says quietly and hugs Ziva who tenses up but returns the hug.

"You can come out now," Ziva says and the three exited the room."What was that?" Jake asked, "Nothing for you to worry about, you'll understand soon I promise," Billy tells Jake. Jake nods in confusion but let's it go," You okay now Zoey," Jake asked." I'm tired can I go to sleep now?" Zoey asks." Go on," Billy says gently. Zoey heads over to Jake's bed and Jake and Jared lay in the bed with her and the puppies.

"Thank you Ziva for doing this," Billy says with a soft smile." You're welcome, I'm going to stay around as she'll need me again," Ziva says with a smile." That's fine, Sam and his other friend are coming around to meet you as he just wants to make sure you're not a threat to her or us," Billy says with a smile.

Ziva nods in understanding, as Sam and Paul arrive to meet Ziva," Hello you must be Sam and Paul correct?" Ziva asked." Correct, I just want to know if you are dangerous or not?" Sam asked." Nope, just if my hellhound side comes out stay out of her way as she doesn't like anyone interfering in her line of work," Ziva informs them.

"No problem, does this mean you and her are connected now?" Sam asked looking at Zoey." Yes she's a harbinger of death just like me so I'm bound to her and she's bound to me but not in an imprinting way," Ziva says. Charlie comes down to see Zoey as he wants to make sure she's okay and he enters the house and sees Ziva in the living room

She looks up at him and her eyes flash orange."Woah!" Charlie yells out in surprise." He doesn't know does he?" Ziva asked." Nope, but I think we have to tell him now you did that," Billy says." Charlie come in, We have something to discuss with you," Billy says with a soft smile.

Billy explains the legends to Charlie and Paul phases to show Charlie his wolf and Ziva shifts into her Hellhound form." So you, Sam, and Jared are wolves? You're a hellhound? And Zoey is a Banshee? The Cullens all seven of them are vampires? Am I getting this right?" Charlie questions.

"You are and I know this is very overwhelming and confusing but it makes sense in a way doesn't it?" Ziva wonders. Charlie slowly nods," I guess I'm not one to get into anyone's business, so do I need to be worried about him and Zoey?" Charlie asked with a look." No! He'll be a brother to her that's all, he won't hurt her ever," Sam reassures him.

Charlie nods," Why did your eyes flash orange when you saw me?" Charlie asked."Because you're my mate. Hellhounds have mates and I am yours," Ziva smiles softly." Will Zoey be okay now?" Charlie asked." She'll be fine Charlie, She's got Ziva and all of us to help her," Billy says with a smile.

"I'll try and keep up with this, but I  think I need a drink as this is just woah," Charlie chuckles." Hi Charlie!" Zoey squeals happily as she gets up." Hey, monkey," Charlie says picking Zoey up and hugging her." Hi Charlie," Jared says with a smile.

"Hello son, can I have a word?" Charlie says with a look." Yep," Jared nods and the two leave." I know," Charlie says." And will you still allow me to be there for her?" Jared asked politely.

Charlie went towards Jared and stared him down." Yes, as long you agree to never harm her or make her cry," Charlie says." I'd never do that ever sir!" Jared says with a smile." I trust you, and I know she needs you around," Charlie says with a smile.

They hug it out and turn to see Zoey there," Are you staying here tonight?" Zoey asked Charlie and Jared." I'm not but Jared might and Ziva," Charlie says with a smile." Okay, I'd like you to stay as I think Ziva loves you," Zoey giggles.

Charlie chuckles at her and they go back inside and spend time with Ziva. Zoey fell asleep in Jared's arms and Charlie smiled at them as Ziva handed him a drink." She's in safe hands with us," Ziva says with a smile.

"I know, Ziva I was wondering if you would like to go on a date?" Charlie asked with a smile." Of course, is tomorrow good?" Ziva grins. Charlie nods in response. Charlie spends the night with Ziva and the pack.


Chapter 10 is done ✔️ Zoey knows she is a Banshee and she's met Ziva who is a hellhound!! Charlie is aware of everything now and is being a supportive dad! Embry and Jake both phase the next chapter!!

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