👑Chapter Sixteen👑

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Zoey is back at the reservation hospital to do therapy and medication sessions with Sue Clearwater and Phil Dwyer only this time Charlie is in there with her." Okay, Zoey, let's try this again, as you need to confront your dad and ask him why he chose to do what he did. Okay?" Sue says with a soft smile." I know, I just couldn't be here without my dad," Zoey says, looking at Charle.

Sue nods and she opens the door so Phil Dwyer can join the three of them in the room," I know that I messed up but I want to try and explain myself," Phil says softly. Zoey looks up at Charlie, who gives her a reassuring smile." You left me alone, and you didn't believe me. Why should I let you?" Zoey asks, gripping Charlie.

"I know I'm sorry, please Zoey, let me try again," Phil says softly." You didn't believe me, I'm your daughter, and you left me alone and didn't believe me. These people believed me instantly," Zoey says softly." I wish I could take it back, but I can't, and I know I have no rights to you, but I want to try again with you," Phil says softly.

"What do you think I should do?" Zoey asked Charlie, "Do whatever you're comfortable with Zoey," Charlie said softly," I want to be alone, I don't want to talk anymore," Zoey said quietly" Alright, sweetie, come on, I'll take you to the sensory room," Sue smiles, taking Zoey to the sensory room.

The Sensory Room

Zoey enters the sensory room, goes to her favourite corner, and curls up in the soft chair

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Zoey enters the sensory room, goes to her favourite corner, and curls up in the soft chair. Seth enters the room," Zoey, can I join you?" Seth asked gently." Yeah," Zoey says quietly. Jared was busy trying to get Victoria with the pack, so he couldn't be there for Zoey today." My birth dad is here," Zoey says quietly as Seth joins her.

"Don't you want him here?" Seth asked." No, but I'm scared to tell him in case he gets angry. He abandoned me and didn't believe me," Zoey says sadly." Then tell my mom and Charlie," Seth says softly, hugging Zoey." I like it here, I'm scared he's gonna try and get his rights back, I don't want to leave Jared, Charlie, Ziva, or you," Zoey says clinging to Seth." We won't let you go," Seth says softly, kissing Zoey's forehead.

Zoey falls asleep, overwhelmed by the session, and Sue comes to check on her. She pops her head in and sees Zoey asleep with Seth," How is she, Seth?" Sue asked." She doesn't want him here. She's frightened that he's come to take her away," Seth says softly." I'll tell him to go as it's clear she's not ready," Sue nods." Mom, tell him never to come back as she's home, and she's staying here," Seth says firmly.

Sue winks and goes to tell Phil Dwyer that Zoey has declined more visits and doesn't want him to come back. Charlie made his way to the sensory room and saw Zoey in Seth's arms," Thanks, Seth," Charlie said, lifting Zoey as she curled into Charlie's arms." You're welcome, Charlie," Seth smiles." Bye Zoey," Seth says softly.

Charlie takes Zoey home, and Ziva has just made Zoey's favourite meal, chicken curry with fries." She got overwhelmed again and both me and Sue told Phil to fuck off," Charlie whispers into Ziva's ears."Good, but bad news," Ziva says." What?" Charlie asked." She's back," Ziva points upstairs, "Oh good lord," Charlie groans."Well, she's not staying here," Charlie says putting Zoey on the sofa.

Charlie went up the stairs grabbed Bella and threw her out with all her things." You aren't welcome here anymore so leave my property now," Charlie says firmly." You're kicking me out?! I'm your daughter, not that brat!" Bella shouts." That girl is my daughter blood or not and she needs me unlike you! I can't have you around," Charlie says walking in and shutting the door in Bella's face.

Ziva was plating up as Zoey woke up whimpering," No! No! HARRY!!" Zoey screamed, Ziva quickly let the hellhound out and covered Zoey containing the blast."Zoey, it's alright Harry is alive," Charlie says softly." No, he's gonna die, I can feel it, people are gonna die," Zoey says quietly cuddling her knees.

"Hey it will not happen, the pack won't let it happen," Ziva says softly hugging Zoey." Can Jared come to stay tonight?" Zoey asks with a soft look." Sure," Charlie nods. Charlie phones Emily," Hi Charlie can we help?" Emily asked." Is Jared around or is he still on patrol?" Charlie wonders." He's on patrol, and he refuses to stop because he wants to make sure Zoey is safe, Jake is here though?" Emily says." Zoey Jake is available to come around Jared's still out," Charlie says softly.

"Jake please, "Zoey asked leaning against Ziva," Okay, she asked for Jake," Charlie told Emily." Alright, he's on his way," Emily says hanging up. Charlie feeds Zoey, and just as Jake turns up," Hey Zoey," Jake greets her." Hi Jake, I've missed you, can I come to the house tomorrow?" Zoey asks, hugging Jake.

" I'll ask Sam, but due to the redhead we have to keep chasing her," Jake says." Oh, but I miss everyone," Zoey says quietly." We miss you too monkey, how about you go and get a movie for us to watch and we watch together in the living room," Jake winks.

Zoey nods and grabs her scooby doo movies. Jake and Zoey watched the movies as Jared Wolf watched through the windows. He wanted Victoria gone before he could be a proper brother to her so he lay there through the night looking over her and protecting her.


Chapter sixteen is done ✔️ Zoey doesn't want Phil to come back so Charlie and Sue send him on his way very politely 😆 Bella is back but not living at Charlie's house!

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Missing Jared x Zoey scenes?

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Should Seth have a young imprint or the same age?

14 chapters to go!

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