🎀Chapter Twenty-three🎀

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It's been four days since the news of a new vampire coming around and Bella had something stolen from her. Zoey was still in her safe place and refusing to move." Zoey, you need to come out," Emily says softly." I want Mom and Dad," Zoey says softly." They are okay I promise, Ziva will come by with Charlie soon, but you need to come out and eat sweetheart," Emily says softly.

Brady and Colin have been given the task as so have Seth and Quil of guarding the pack house whilst everyone else is on patrol and hunting the vampires.

Brady and Colin have found their imprints at school and brought them to the pack house a few days ago." No! I'm not coming out!" Zoey shouts." Alright, I'll back off," Emily says softly leaving Zoey alone.

Zoey put her ear defenders on and refused to move." I think you better call them as she's not going to move till she sees them," Seth says softly." I know but we don't know where they are as Ziva took Charlie away for a short while," Emily quietly admits." Oh no, so no way they can get here?" Seth works out.

"Nope, and Ziva said Charlie was thinking about taking Zoey out of Forks till this is over just her and him so the pack and her have zero distractions," Emily whispers." That might be good for Zoey and Charlie," Seth nods.

Ziva and Charlie were on their way back with a friend who was a scarlet witch and she could strip a vampire of their vampire state and return them to human again. Charlie decided that he and Zoey needed to leave Forks for a while and not tell no one.

A few hours later, Charlie and Ziva pulled up with their friend Aurora. Charlie got his bags and Zoey's together and the dogs." Hey Zoey," Charlie says gently touching her and Zoey shoots straight up.

"Dad!" Zoey says hugging Charlie as Ziva and Aurora walk in." Mom!" Zoey says quickly hugging her." Hi princess, I'd like you to meet Aurora, my friend she's a scarlet witch," Ziva says with a smile.

"Hi," Zoey/Aurora say greeting one another." You need to get your things as you and Dad are going on a trip together with Bucky and Wynter now, me and Aurora are going to help the pack out," Ziva tells Zoey.

"Oh okay," Zoey says sadly and Zoey remembers the drawing and her note." Here this is important," Zoey whispers and Ziva looks at it and looks up at Zoey before nodding," I'll save her, I promise," Ziva nods.

"We both will," Aurora smiles." Can you make her human again and Jasper? Oh-oh, and Emmett too?" Zoey whispers." Sure kiddo, go now as you need to be safe, we got it from here," Aurora winks. Zoey smiles and gets her things together," Bye Zoey, Charlie" Everyone waves goodbye to Zoey and Charlie.

Zoey gets in the car," Ready to go?" Charlie says softly with a smile." Ready, I've missed you, Dad," Zoey says with a smile." Come on I'm taking you to my mother's home state, Vancouver for a few weeks till everything is over okay?" Charlie says with a soft smile.

Zoey nods and they drive away just as Jared Wolf appears in front of them," Wait I need to say goodbye, "Zoey says softly. Zoey gets put and hugs Jared's wolf goodbye," See you in five weeks, Jared," Zoey says softly kissing him goodbye.

Jared's wolf walks away and Jared phased back and exited from the woods dressed." See you, Zoey Swan, don't forget to come home," Jared says hugging Zoey softly but firmly." Always be safe and do me a favour?" Zoey says.

"Anything," Jared says." Be happy for me and help Ziva with a task I've set for her," Zoey says with a smile." Of course, I will," Jared smiles. Charlie presses the horn," Come on Zoey, we need to head off as it's a long journey," Charlie says with a soft smile.

Jared and Zoey said their goodbyes and Zoey left the reservation and Forks for a few weeks with Charlie and the dogs.

Chapter 23 is done ✔️  Zoey and Charlie have left Forks for a while❤️
Welcome to the book Aurora!!

Does anyone want to guess who Aurora is going to be with?

Do we like why Aurora is here?

Happy Zoey and Charlie are out of the way and safe.

The next few chapters will be the training, Jasper and Emmett meeting Ziva and Aurora, the battle and saving Bree and Jasper meeting Bree. Zoey returns in chapter 27❤️

7 chapters left before the end of Zoey's book❤️

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