☆Chapter Nine☆

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Zoey was with Charlie at the courthouse as the judge wanted to have a meeting with Zoey's parents and Charlie. Jared asked for permission to come along and support both Charlie and Zoey.

"Am I in trouble Charlie?" Zoey asks with a sad expression." No, I have to see a judge who wants to know why I want custody of you and he wants to speak to your mom and dad too," Charlie explains softly.

"But what if the judge says I have to go back? I don't want to go back!" Zoey says quietly. Jared picks Zoey and hugs her tightly," We won't let you," Jared says softly. Charlie nods in agreement," I ain't letting you go back," Charlie says with a smile.

"Dywer family! Charlie Swan!" A lady calls them in and Jared keeps Zoey in his arms." Who is this?" The judge asked looking at Jared."Jared Cameron sir, I'm a friend Charlie and I'm here to support Zoey," Jared says politely." He and Zoey have a bond and she's comfortable with him so with your permission, I'd like him to stay," Charlie says politely

"I'll allow it, "The judge nods." Thank you," Zoey says quietly." So why are you requesting custody of Zoey Mary Dwyer? She's not your child?" The Judge asked." She's my daughter's half-sister and I have an audio recording of her parents saying they don't want her to come back home," Charlie says showing the judge the recorder." I'd like to hear the recording," The judge requested.

"Permission to approach the bench?" Charlie asked." Permission granted, "The judge says. Charlie walked forward and gave the recording to the Judge who played the recording.

"Hi mommy, Hi daddy," Zoey says with a smile." Oh hello Zoey," Reene says." Am I allowed to come home now?"Zoey asked.

"Zoey we can't have you at home, I'm sorry but we can't handle you or your mental problems anymore so we are giving you up to the system," Reene says.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Zoey says confused. "MOMMY!! DADDY!!!" Zoey shouted upset." They don't want me!" Zoey cries," Nobody wants me!" Zoey cries out.

"I want you Zoey," Charlie smiles softly." Can I stay with you, please? I promise I won't be bad ever! Just let me stay?" Zoey asked sadly." Zoey, you are staying with me and I'll never let you go," Charlie says.

The judge looked at the two parents before speaking." Zoey, what have you been diagnosed with?" The judge asked." Autism, ADHD, and Schizophrenia but Dr. Cullen and Nurse Sue Clearwater said I don't have that Schizophrenia I've been misdiagnosed. I suffer from PTSD as I witnessed a murder when I was four but no one believed me," Zoey shyly says before hiding her face.

The judge nods," Now why don't you two want her back?" The judge asked unimpressed." Because for five years we had to deal with her screaming nonstop and she wouldn't talk so we couldn't deal with it," Reene tells the Judge.

"I tried your honor but she wouldn't let us help," Phil lies. Zoey frowns," You lie! You and she left me alone every day and you didn't want to help me!" Zoey shouts getting agitated.

"It's alright Zoey, I'm here," Jared says softly and Zoey puts her face in Jared's neck." Zoey?" The judge says gaining Zoey's attention." Would you like to return home with your parents or Charlie?" The judge asked looking at her." Charlie and Jared please," Zoey says quietly.

The judge nods in understanding, "Zoey you and Jared can leave as this next bit isn't for you to be around," The judge says. Jared and Zoey leave and sit outside waiting for Charlie to come out.

"Charlie Swan, are you sure that you want to take on Zoey Dywer?" The judge asked," I do your honour, she's my daughter, unbiologically but I care deeply for her and she's home and I don't want her to be unhappy elsewhere," Charlie said with a smile.

"Well since you two have shown no interest in having Zoey home, I'm going reward Charlie Swan custody and the rights to Zoey Dywer, do you have anything to say?" The judge asked Renee and Phil." No, your honour," They say.

"You two are going to hand over everything of Zoey's and you gonna sign your rights away to Charlie as I'm rewarding Charlie Swan full custody of Zoey and allowing her to choose if she wishes to keep your last name," The judge says banging the hammer down.

Phil and Reene do the paperwork and leave and the judge asks for Zoey 5o come back with Jared." Zoey, I want to know before Charlie does this paperwork do you want his last name or keep the Dywer name?" The judge asked." I want to take Charlie's last name please," Zoey says with a bright smile.

"You got it, Congratulations Mr Swan you have a beautiful daughter. Zoey Mary Swan welcome to Forks officially and I hope you are happy now," The judge smiles." Yay! Thank you!" Zoey squeals happily." Can I hug you?" Zoey asks with a smile." Just this once," The judge smiles and Zoey runs to hug the lady.

Zoey runs back to Jared and Charlie, Zoey hugs Charlie tightly," Thank you, I promise I will be good," Zoey says with a smile." You're welcome and you are a good kid so I don't doubt that, so let's go home eh princess and you can see Bucky and Wynter at Sam's house," Charlie says with a smile.

Zoey nods and goes home with Jared and Charlie." Congratulations Chief on winning Zoey's rights and custody," Jared says with a smile." Thank you and thanks for coming, I know you and Zoey have a great bond, and I'll always be grateful to you," Charlie says hugging Jared.

"You're welcome Chief, I will always be there for you and her," Jared says with a smile." Jared call me Charlie please, You've earned that right to call me Charlie," Charlie says with a smile.

Zoey, Charlie and Jared arrived at the pack house. Zoey saw the banners and the balloons." Welcome Home Zoey Swan," Zoey reads out." You're home now Zoey and your friends and mine all want to welcome you home properly," Charlie smiles." I'm glad to be home," Zoey smiles looking at Jared.

Jared smiles and hugs Zoey as Charlie parks up."Let's go celebrate your homecoming," Jared grins. Zoey nodded and they exited the car, Everyone gave their Congratulations to Charlie and Zoey. Zoey felt at home with Charlie and Jared.


Chapter nine is done ✔️ Zoey is officially a Swan! She's staying in Forks with Charlie!

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