☸️Chapter Twenty-one☸️

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Zoey was at home with Charlie and Ziva when Bella returned to get her remaining clothes and personal items. Zoey was spending time with her dad and mom Ziva," Mom! Can I go see Jared soon?" Zoey asked." Maybe later sweetie, as it's family time today," Ziva smiles.

"But!" Zoey says softly." Shh, I know you want to see him but he has to help Leah and Seth with patrol and getting used to the pack life," Ziva says softly kissing Zoey's head.

Zoey softly nodded and she got her drawing book out and began to draw a girl with long brown hair and red eyes. She wrote below the drawing.

The drawing-

(A/N- Pretend it's a drawing!)

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(A/N- Pretend it's a drawing!)

'Jasper Hale True Mate, save her, she isn't a threat to anyone,' Zoey kept the drawing and the writing in her pocket." How about we take the dogs for a walk?" Charlie asks getting the dogs together for a walk." Yeah!" Zoey says.

Ziva, Charlie and Zoey all head out for a walk with Bucky and Wynter." Zoey the judge has contacted me to say that your mom and dad aren't allowed to contact you further and the visits with Phill have ended for good," Charlie tells Zoey."Good, they were rotten parents!" Zoey says spitting."Zoey Swan, we don't spit!" Ziva scolds."I'm sorry!" Zoey says quickly.

They resumed their walk and returned home to see Bella and the Cullens standing there." Get the hell off my property now!" Charlie shouts." Charlie, I know Bella has done awful things but you can't throw her out," Carlisle reasons."He can she's over eighteen now she's an adult especially since she decided to run off to Italy to fetch your son," Ziva says with a look.

"I have a daughter to think of now, Bella made her choice and I've made mine. So leave all of you now," Charlie warns as Jared pulls up. "I suggest you do as you are told, you were all warned not to come to this house again," Jared says making his presence known to the Cullens." Of course, we will go," Carlisle apologises and they all head back home.

Zoey runs to Jared who happily hugs her," Hey monkey, how would you like to come and stay at Emily's house?" Jared says with a smile. Zoey looks at Charlie and Ziva, "Go and get a bag together then," Charlie winks. Zoey grins and runs inside to grab her overnight bag," Ready!" Zoey smiles.

Jared puts his hand out and they head off to Emily's house." Is Claire there?" Zoey wonders." Yes, and Quil has phased too by the way and imprinted on Claire," Jared tells Zoey." Aww cute, but I thought you wouldn't let me be around newly phased wolves?" Zoey questions." I trust Quil and Seth they aren't temperamental like Paul and Leah," Jared says."Leave Paul alone, it was an accident and he apologises leave it now!" Zoey warns Jared.

"I know but I blame myself for not moving you out of the way," Jared whimpers." Hey, I'm okay, Sue says I'm gonna heal and I'm not going to go blind he just scratched my eye so drop the subject," Zoey said with a soft smile. Jared nodded but carried on driving away towards Emily's house where everyone was.

Jared pulls up to the house and Seth comes running out with Naomi," Hey Seth, Naomi, "Zoey grins." Come on you, Naomi and I with Quil and Claire are having a sleepover!" Seth grins. Naomi grabs Zoey's hand as Claire comes out with Quil," Hi Quil and this must be Claire?" Zoey questions. Quil and Claire wave hello," Pretty hair and eyes," Claire says with a smile.

"Thank you, pretty girl," Zoey grins." Right come on let's go and have dinner and then you five can go to Seth's for a sleepover," Jared says with a smile." You're coming too!" Zoey says with a grin." I don't know I got to ask Sam first," Jared says making Zoey frown." Then I'll ask him!" Zoey says running inside looking for Sam.

"Emily, Where's Sam?" Zoey asked." Upstairs why what's wrong?" Emily asked." I want Jared to come to the sleepover as Quil and Seth have their imprints but I don't have Jared," Zoey explains sadly." I'll deal with Sam tell Jared to go with you," Emily winks with a smile. Zoey smiles and hugs Emily," Thank you!" Zoey grins." Come on get your dinner!" Emily shouts.

The pack all filled in and began to have a cooked dinner," Sam Jared is going to the sleepover with Zoey, don't even argue with us on that," Emily winked with a smile." No problem, I was gonna let him go with them anyways," Sam grins.

Zoey grins at Jared who gives Sam a nod in thanks and he, Zoey, Quil, Claire, Naomi and Seth head to Seth's home. Seth, Jared and Quil phase to let the girls all go on their backs to Seth's house.

Zoey helped Claire onto Quil's back, as Jared used his wolf head to lift her onto Quil's back. Naomi climbed onto Seth's back and Jared led the way to Seth's home. Claire squealed happily at the run home.

Jared phased back and helped the girls down as the other two phased back. Sue set up the guest rooms and got the overnight sleeping bags and snacks out. The six put a movie on and laid down together to watch the film.

Zoey was lying with Jared as Claire snuggled into Quil's chest and Seth and Naomi lay in one another's arms. They enjoyed the sleepover with no drama no interruptions and no vampires or their problems.


Chapter 21 is done ✔️ Zoey is spending time with her friends 💕  Zoey is not going blind and her scars will heal up and leave pink lines which means she won't be so badly scarred!

9 more Chapters to go!

A/N- Paul's book will be out when 20 Chapters are done!

Ready for more!

Should Zoey be on the field when the newborn battle happens?

Should Zoey and Ziva be the one to save Bree?

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