⛓️Chapter Eighteen⛓️

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Jake has Zoey overnight since Jared had patrol with Embry. Zoey and Jake were in a gaming tournament with one another and Zoey was enjoying the game as she was winning against Jake." I'm gonna win!!" Zoey squeals happily." No, I am!!" Jake laughs happily.

Carly was at Jacob's house also and she was watching them play," You're good with kids Jake," Carly smiles." Yeah? Want some of our own soon then?" Jake winks." Yeah, when we have been married for five years and settled into jobs," Carly smirks.

"Deal sweet cheeks," Jacob grins, Zoey smiles at Jake and Carly's relationship, "Cutest couple ever!" Zoey squeals happily."Thank you, sweetheart," Carly smiles." Want any pop tarts and hot chocolate?" Carly offers."Yeah, strawberry pop tarts and marshmallows and cream on top of my hot chocolate please?" Zoey asks politely.

"Of course your royal majesty," Jake winks at Zoey. Zoey giggles at Jake and she tackles him to the ground." I win fluffy wolfie," Zoey smirks." Oh no(!) Guess I can't make any hot chocolate with Carly then if I'm pinned to the floor forever!" Jake says dramatically.

Zoey gets up as Jake does and he winks at her," Here I'll put Coraline on for you to watch," Jacob says putting the movie on in Zoey's room since he and Carly were gonna sleep in his room and Zoey had Rachel's room.

Zoey got settled into bed with Bucky and Wynter who were almost one and now service dogs for Zoey when she has a meltdown and keeps her calm. Jake gives Zoey her hot chocolate and pop tarts before leaving her for the night.

Zoey ate and drank her food and drink before falling asleep with Coraline on in the background. Jared took a slight change in route to see how Zoey was doing and saw her asleep with her dogs and her movie on in the background.


The next day Zoey got woken up by doors banging and she went out to investigate and saw Bella storming into Billy's home she grabbed Zoey and dragged her outside when she saw Sam walking up with Paul, Jared, and Embry." Hey, get off me!!" Zoey yells hitting Bella, "You know I hate you touching me!" Zoey shouts." Shut up!" Bella shouts.

Bella shoves Sam and yells at him," You took Jake away and gave him to that bitch why?!" Bella yells. Paul got defensive and Sam made them back up." Is he scared of you?" Bella questions and Paul and Jared laughed." No, he's not, Jake is happy with Carly now let go of me!" Zoey yells waking Jake and Carly up who came out to see Bella causing trouble.

Bella slapped Paul who got angry quickly," Bella Zoey get back!" Sam yells." Paul calm down, you can't now with Zoey here," Sam tries and Paul gets angry. Bella shoves Zoey into Paul's path who phases and Zoey gets caught in the crossfire, Jared grabs her before he can scratch her further.

She got scratched the same way as Emily, left to the right side of her face she had three scratches across her face. Jared cradled Zoey from the sidelines as Paul stalked towards Bella. Jake came to Zoey's rescue, Bella ran and ducked as Jake phased in the air.

The two wolves fought," Embry take Bella and Carly back to Emily's, I'm going after them and Jared get Zoey to Sue now!" Sam tells them. Jared was pissed that Bella shoved his imprint in front of a phasing wolf, he took Zoey to Sue's and left Embry to deal with Bella.

"Zoey?! speak to me are you okay?!" Jared asks panicked for her. Zoey looked up," No this hurts Jared, but don't be angry with Paul it wasn't his fault. Promise me that you won't be angry." She told him whilst hanging on to his neck." SUE!! Help me please!!" Jared shouted.

Sue came running out, grasping." What the hell happened to Zoey?! Charlie gonna go ballistic!" She said furiously." Paul phased after Bella slapped him across the face and shoved Zoey in his path, It happened too quickly for me or Sam to react!" Jared said with sadness and anger mixed.

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