52: broken blonde ~ Olsen

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I'm gonna try and get one out at least once a week but tbh idk.

Oki have fun



You was sitting around the fire place with your family, It was Christmas eve and you was listening to Lizzie tell her story about how she cut herself while cutting an orange, "Didn't you also fall over and cut your hand on a stick once?" you asked, with a smirk on your face.

She slapped your arm, "It wasn't my fault." She got up and the kids all huffed and one even started crying, "You want another story?" All three of them nodded, "Okay." Lizzie sat back down next to bear again and he crawled into her lap.

They all looked at you, "What?" You asked, you was a bit clueless since you wasn't listening. "Oh a story!" They all nodded.

You smiled, "I'll tell you the story of how i met your mother." They all sat there and listened while you told the story of how you met.


You was sitting in your apartment, you was watching Friends since you had none and it was your comfort show. You have a cooler next to you full of beer and ice. You lived in an okay building, it was okay for you but other people not so much. You wasn't poor but it was New York, everything is like thousands.

It was really stormy outside and it was raining a lot, Everyone outside was doomed. You thought the wind was strong enough to move a car but that's not realistic.

You heard a knock on your door and a groan from a women, You frowned and stood up. There was two and once you heard a familiar voice you ran to the door, You opened it to find Scarlett with her friend. "Hey, you a bit wet?" Scar let herself in and the blonde just stared at you. "Hi." You smiled at her, she smiled back and you moved out the way so she can come in.

You frowned when she just stared at you, "Um.. scar? I think your friend is broken." You can hear her laughing her ass off from your bedroom, You took the girls hand and pulled her in. You shut the door and led her into your bedroom as well. "Missing something?" You asked, scar was stealing your clothes. half of your tops and hoodies were missing because scar had taken them.

Scar took her hand and kicked you out your own bedroom, you went back to watching Friends but instead with 2 blondes next to you. They both came out, the blonde who was broken sat next to you and scar sat away from you on your other couch. "I'm Y/N." You gave her a warm smile and she nodded.

"Elizabeth, but my friends call me lizzie or Liz. you can call me whatever you wa-." She stopped herself, "Lizzie.." She said. 

"I know who you are." you smiled at her knowing you was probably going to get along.

None of scar's friends actually like you, Chris Evans hates you because you and Scarlett dated a few years back and you broke her heart. You talked with her and she said "If you didn't do that, I wouldn't have found the love of my life." So you guys became friends again and then best friends.

You all watched Friends, you and Lizzie were just talking though. Scarlett was smiling at the two of you, she knew Lizzie had a crush on you and she also knew how you needed someone. "Oh come on, hulk is way stronger then Thor. it's just because of his thunder." You protested, She shook her head.

She cut you off, "Thor would have destroyed hulk if he wasn't shocked."

"Thor was using lightning." You pointed out, She thought about it for a moment. "See." She hummed before punching your arm, You laughed at her and she also started to laugh.

After a few hours the storm calmed down, It was just mostly wind. Scarlett looked at the time, "Its 8, I should get going because if the baby wakes up." You nodded.

she leaned down and kissed your cheek, "Love you, look after her Liz." You smiled at her as she left your apartment.

You looked at Lizzie, "I should get going as well then." Lizzie said as she stood up, You nodded and noticed how dark it was outside.

"Or you could stay.. You can have my bed and I can sleep on the couch?" You offered, "I don't want you walking in the dark alone." She smiled and nodded, "Great."

You two stayed up for another 4 hours just talking and getting to know each other, Once she started getting tired you gave her some clothes to sleep in then said good night. You was laying on the couch, You couldn't sleep and you could hear her turning in your bed as well. the walls are basically useless, you can hear a lot through them.

You stood up and walked into your bedroom, She was laying on her side acting asleep. You crawled into your bed behind her and put your arm around her body, her body was tensed at first but then she moved into you more. she relaxed in your arms and you both allowed yourselves to fall asleep.


"and now we have 3 beautiful children." You finished the story, Lizzie was smiling the whole way through and she leaned over to kiss you but you was already one step ahead of her. You heard 3 little groans and a few ew's and one giggle from lenny.

"Okay, Santa is here tonight. so you all gotta get some sleep. and so does your mama and I." Lizzie stood up with bear in her arms, You already had Lenny in your arms and pickle ran upstairs to her room. 

You tucked all the kids in before going to your room, "Thor is stronger." Lizzie told you. You rolled your eyes, "Thor would be good in bed." You frowned and walked straight out of the room.

She took your hand and kissed your neck, "So hot headed." You picked her up and walked back into your bedroom.

"Do not call me hot headed." You placed her onto the bed, "Natasha would be good in bed." Lizzie nodded, You both laughed.

"what about maria?"

"wanda, with her magic hands. yes please!" Lizzie laughed at your words.


I made this mostly for my girl, 

I love you :)

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