Chapter 4:The twins...

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Both Rusty and my father are glaring down at me only a few feet away. I pull out shards of glass from my legs and arms. My mom stares from behind, tears glisten in her eyes. I try keep my head low as I work on my cuts.

" Elizabeth bring it now." My father hisses.

" No victor you can't. Please." My mom cries out. " Vic-" She stops when Edward throws a knife at her. She ducks and then runs from the room.

He's been drinking again. Thats why he is bitter today.

My mom soon runs in with a giant box in her hands. Her hands shake, But I know its not from the weight of the box.

She drops the box then runs from the room .Her shawl drops a little, however, and I catch the marks of a belt run up her back. There something on those belts though for her not to be healed allready as some look old.

Her hair sits in a blonde bun today and as she runs from the room her hair starts to fall out of the bun. She stops in the door way and Her brown eyes gleam with sorrow as they land upon me.

I examine her features and find they actually look older today. She looks 32 rather than 20-the age you stop ageing. She looks her actual age and thats what scares me.

My father-over the past year- has finnaly broke my mother. I can tell by how her eyes apear blank,by how she walks and does things with no memory of doing them,I can tell because all the fight has left her...

I then move my stare to dad. I find his blonde hair makes him seem inocent ,shining bright in the midday sun; while his green eyes darken by the second. I Have the features of my dad But body and hight as my mum. Where my father is tall and strong, we are small and fragile.

He finnaly stands after playing around with all of his toys in the box. He whips out a belt then a cloth and some rags. He goes to tie me to a chair when I hear Rusty. I glance at him with pleading eyes.

I freeze when I finnaly hear his words." Wouldn't you prefer her to try and run. Watch her fight for her life. Watch the light drain from her eyes. Then when she awakes again we can leave.Let her hope she has escape before you get the chance of crushing it. That will teach her a lesson."

" Thats a brilliant plan My Boy." They both get there tools ready.I hear metal clang against metal,the peircing cry of a knife sharpening the other knife hisses throgh the air. I wince.

Then an idea hits me. He's giving me a chance.

Wow Mia I can see the lightbulb blinking on.

I run like prey as they both walk towards me like predators.

OOOH that's good. But you forgot to mention the fact thar you tripped over the step and knocked down glasses. Your poor mom. Those looked expensive. Maybe but, it stopped them. No just slowed them.

Hope fills me up and gives me courage. I run to the attic room. I go to climb from the window when I find Rusty come up from behind me. I smile at him and send him a silent thank you.

He takes my arm and shakes his head and I stare in confusion as I see he is not letting me go. I try to pull free but he looks up and lauphs. I shudder at the sound of my dads call.

"I got her don't worry Victor"Rusty shouts to him. "But she's fighting to escape so I would hurry...sir."(sir) he adds as an after thought.

I glare him down and knee him. It does nothing.He glowers at me and growls.

He slices at my leg and I screach before I can stop myself. He pushes me to the corner just as my Father enters the room. Nothing but pleasure fills his features. I hold on to my last pieces of dignity. I beg myself not to colapse and try to stand a bit taller.

Mia-Ann CatherineWhere stories live. Discover now