Chapter 11: Do you trust me?

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I grab him and pull his kneck to me. There I stare. As I lean forwards my teeth lengthen and I feel my fangs come out. I now know they are fangs. I now know I am not human but a vampire. I now know I ran from my past because I am a creature of the devil nothing but evil.

A whisper in my ear tells me I am not eveil. But the kindest of my kind. But I ignore it and focus on the blood.

Then I lean in and dig my fangs into his kneck. I drink away my thirst and hunger and cravings. I just drink away his life carelessley...

When all the blood has left him I bite my lip and let two drops if my precious blood enter his system. I know this has never been done before. I know what I'm doing is next to impossible. But I carry on with one wish in my mind.

Vampire. Make him a vampire. Let him cheat death. Vampire...

Then not quite satisfied I do the exact same to Fabio. The moster in me just goes mad and I cannot fight out. I watch myself do everything apart from it all though. As if I'm watching from a distance.

When Im done I sit on the floor and fall into a deep sleep. All my energy drained out of me. I just then collapse into the fall and lie there emotionless and sleeping and breathing heavily/ deeply.


" Mia?" Asks Tazzer.

" Yes!" I huskily let out.

I wake up to find Tazzer stood infront of me. I watch him and horror fills my eyes as I remember what I did.

My eyes go back to normal and my fangs go back in. I walk to the sink and wipe my mouth.

"What have I done?" I whisper to myself again and again.

"Mia I'm so thirsty. Mia what is it. Why are you crying. Mia why can I see in the dark. Mia why am I not dead. Mia what am I..." his questions keep comeing and I find I cannot reply.

I can say nothing but whisper. "What have I done?" I killed this boy and I turned him into a monster like me. I am...

A sob erupts threw me. I run too the little eight year old. " Oh I couldn't let you die. You deserve a better life. You needed something better." I sob again. And again. Then the boy joins in. We hold each other tight. Never wanting to let go.

We stay in each others arms intill there is a bang at the door. I stand up infront of the boy glaring at anyone who dares harm him.

Then the window is smashed threw and I grab Tazzer and Fabio and we are across the room in a second. Me above them. Protecting them.

Theres no noise after that. So I look too the side and grab the blood bag. I hand it too Tazzer and he drinks it happily.

He throws it away when a voice calls threw. He grips Fabio too him. His sleeping brother. His innocent older brother.

"Hey it's me! Don't run just talk to me. Please." I realise its the boy.

"Come in." I call. He climbs threw the window and stands there watching me.

My hair is still floor length and it sits beside me in a tangled mess having finally fallen out of it's tight bun I put it in.

" I'm luke. And you are."

"Mia... Mia-ann Catherine."

" Well Mia I just wanted you to talk to me. I'm 22 and im I'm from here- England. I have no wife or daughter or family. I have my dad left. He is a great old man. My mother died after giving birth to me. So I have no siblings. And I am single because I work alot. That was ontill my house burnt down and I found you burried inside. An angel who fell from the sky. Now my whole life has changed. I live in flatz and I have a low paying job because I left my job so I could become who I realy want to be. A doctor. So I can save people daily. So how about you Mia."

Mia-Ann CatherineWhere stories live. Discover now