Chapter 17: kaylee

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Kaylee pov:

I close door 350 shut behind me. I step out into the corridor of white. The floor, the the walls, the ceilings, the door knobs, the patronising numbers, the doors and the lights are all white. Not a single shimmer of colour. I lean back on the wall and slide down it intill I touch the floor.

I place my head in my hands and let out a sob. A sob of annoyance.  I have been trapped in this hallway for a very long time. And each door I open just leads me to someone's head. And I have to watch them, to try and figure out if it's Mia.

It's pretty easy because Mias thoughts are always of her family. So I pretty much have to just open a door and the first thought that hits me, is the one I judge them on.

I stand up and shake off the thoughts seeping into my brain.

You will never find her. She has gone. That crazy old fool had it all wrong.

Now pleaae Mia give me a sign. Shout out. Anythinggggg.

I touch the handle of door 351. My hand begins to shake. I have a feeling im not surposed to open this door.

I suck in a breath and push the door open. The first thought to hit me is me. The girl stares at the picture of me and she is gripping it so very tight. Her hands are shaking and her thoughts are all screaming for kaylee to come back.

I know this girl. It's my daughter. But they took her off of me how does she know who I am. And where have I gone?


Who's there. Get out of my head. If you are the people who sent me to this evil family I will-

"Helo baby girl it's me kaylee."

No...... mom.....moma .... is-s-s... that realy you.

Yes. Her tears roll down her cheeks and I dig my nails into my hands to stop my vision from bluring over.

Where did you go? Why did you leave me? I love you.

Oh I love you too. And you where taken off of me, how are you here now knowing me?

I knew these evil people weren't you. Your photos were in a folder and I read it all to find out about you. And I found all of these.... when are you coming to get me.

As soon as I can baby girl. I promise.  And how do you know this is me?

Because I can see you in my mirror.

I look up and there I am sat beside her. Tears are rolling down my eyes and I wipe them away.

What did they name you?

They named me Robin.

Oh that is just beautiful. I place my hands over my mouth as the tears gush. I just want to hold her and never let her go. But I know I can't realy touch her im just a ghost figure in her head.

I really love you Robin. But I have to go. I need to find my own body and comeback to you.

No don't leave me please.

Her crys are startling and she races to the mirror. She holds it for dear life. And her tears fall hard. I stand up behind her and leave her room and her head.

She screams and screams for me to stop with her hand on my descending figure in the mirror.

I slam the door shut and colapse to the floor. My heart is pounding in my chest my breaths come out in puffy fits.

I slam my fists and my head to the floor. Then I cry.

I let everything out. I scream "let me out. Send me home. I don't want this. Pleasee!" I scream over and over throwing myself at the walls.

This goes on for so long intill I fall into a fitfull sleep.

All I dream of is Robin. Me fi ally holdi g her in my arms her long wavy brown locks sweeping past me and her emerald green eyes always happy. Oh how I adore little Robins eyes.


Who the hell is this. This isn't Mia. She wouldn't sleep around at a time like this.

And why are all her thoughts on luke. Why not her family.

I look around and see a cage blocking of something. I look closer and I see flashes of images of her family.

I lean closer and pull the cage off. The memorys go crazy. They flash jump leap around her head.

Then the worlds is falling and we are all thrown to the floor.

I look up to see Mia has leaped from the bed in shock. She lands on the floor looking around her.

Mia if this is you I am going to scream. What the hell are you doing.
Who are you. Where are you.

Im in your head stupid. Don't you remember.

She shakes her head and im tossed from one side of her head to the other.

Okay look I am your key to your memories.  I am kaylee the person who invades your head.

We came to this time in age to find me and put me back in well me. Okay. So you need to change.

Get up now and change.

She does this since she is totally naked.

I catch a glimpse of him and mentally pat her on the back because luke is just gorgeous.

stop that.

Stop what? I ask innocently.

Your starting to become clearer. 


She places a top on-his too if I might add- and then leaves out into the hallway.

She opens a door, with a name saying Lycy on it, and pops her head in. She freezes. Her whole body tenses up and I feel the hurt of abandonment playing inside her. She enters the room and all I see is a normal guest room. The walls are a cream the curtains are white and cream. A 'sleep sleep and dream' cover on a single bed then a wardrobe and a tv above cheser draws.

This room needs a little colour but it's not something to cry over Mia.

Then it hits me. LUCY. Images of her flash threw Mias head. From the first time she saw her. How the little girl ran to her and was fond of her straight away. Then too a day where she is all dressed up all so very pretty and perfect child.

As soon as I see this image I see that this girl is exactly the same as Izzy from back home.

She has found them unconsciously.
But I can't see Penny.

Penny was killed in this life. She was killed by the people who kidnapped her daughter.  Jessica was made to bring them up. To help her. I knew this because she told me one time. But she said I can tepl no one intill she's ready.

Is that why the reader has suddenly shouted WTF.


Im joking okay. So Mia what are we going to do. Where are they now.

I don't kn- she stops short there on the side is a letter. She picks it up and walks back into the hallway.

She slides down the wall and my heart begins to beat in time with hers. We both gulp. Our hands become more sweaty.

We hold the letter for dear life and then using he rteeth Mia tears it open.

She opens the letter and there in big Bold words it states "To Mia,"


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