Chapter 14:Josh?

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" Shit! where the hell did you come from. And what the hell are you sitting on the floor for." Comes the mans voice. Josh I think.

I open my eyes and the mans breath holts. His heart faulters.

" Well you are a pretty little thing ent ya." He smiles and I smile back.

" And your a big softy hidden behind all those muscles. " I tell him.

"You are quite right my luvey." His accent puzzles me. I find im unable to locate where it is from.

I nodd and rest my kneck from the strain. I bow my head and let a few of the tears fall.

That was my past. Im sure of it. That was my husband. That was my awful life.

I cry and curl up into a ball. My arms wrap around my legs and my head rests in my arms.

"Hey doll... don't do that. Don't cry. Please. Talk to me if you must. Just stop crying. He's not worth it."

"How did you know?"

"Well isnt it allways these days. You know allways about relationships and the strain they put you threw."

" I noticed that about this world and time phase. But much better than mine. For my husband was such a cruel man. There was no end to his rage. Oh the marks..."I explain quietly.

The thought of marks makes me check my hands for such. As I look I find there long gashes the clear view of a knife being sliced threw them. The scrars are quite nasty and I find im shocked for not, noticing them earlier.

I turn my hands around to see the marks on the other side.

I hate the look and scrunch my hands up trying to hide them. The man notices and sits quietly beside me.

"May I see?" Josh asks staring at the white wall ahead.

I turn to him and nodd. He faces me and reaches out for my scared hands.

Upon seeing them his hand instinctively strokes the marks.

I cringe and close my eyes pulling my hands back.

" What happened to you? Your only 20. Im guessing. "

"I do not remember much. I was dropped upon a house on fire. I remeber the flames enveloping me. I was trapped in the fire. I was dropped in the house and the fire caught fast.

It all became to much and so my mind has locked up my memories releasing only flashes now and then.

Like today I was shown a point in my life where I got these. And so I looked on my hands to see if such a thing had happened and there I see the marks." I finish again looking at the ugly wounds.

" You are brave girly. Come on explain your week to me."

"Well I woke up in the strangest of places. And I wore these even stranger clothes. Later I found out it was a medical center. A hostpital? " I ask unsure. He nodds his head listening intentley.

" So I ran from the place. I then came across a place where the carriages would have been. There I saw these even stranger objects whizzing past me. I found out such things where called cars.

Then one big white old car or van... stopped infront of me. He had kidnapped some children. 2 boys and 2 girls. It was a shocking veiw. They all sat in rags and these things tied over there mouth and arms and legs. I helped them out and knocked the man out. He was a very cruel man so didn't think much of it.

We all returned to the hostpital where these kind people helped. I've been finding more and more out but nothing tells me how im here.

Or who I left behind. Because I feel it here in this stupid thing that hasn't beeted intill the day I met luke. Oh he is so great but he doesn't understand. I need to go home. I love it here but im missing something.

Mia-Ann CatherineWhere stories live. Discover now