Chapter 21:Goodbye

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Like I have told you before and will care to tell you again I hate goodbyes. I don't mean the simple goodbye see you tomorrow goodbye. No. I mena the full on goodbye maybe oyr grandkids will pass paths in later life.

Yes see these goodbyes I fear most and I don't like saying it. But here I am hugging the life out of Mia and luke whispering "I love you. Be safe. Take care of each other. I love you. Good..."

I just can't say it. 1 it is not a Good- bye. And for 2 It declares we will never see one another again. This is scary.

But then again she's got family who will be missing her dearly. So cone on kaylee grow some ball- actually please don't.

Okay here it goes.

"Goodbye" a sob erupts through me and the both squeeze me tighter.

"Goodbye kaylee we love you too." They both whisper in my ears.

I release them and walk over to where Robin sits staring off into the eyes of the world. She laughs as I grab her and spin her in my arms. Her hair is released from its tight hold and I feel its brown wavy locks brush past my face.

She may look like me in every shape and form but her eyes are her dads. A green so bright and perfect.

"Mommy wheres Mia going. " Asks Robin.

"She's going home baby. She's going to see her family. Are you gonna wish her goodbye before we go on our travels around the world."


I walk her to Mia. Mias tears are the sweetest and the most significant. They fall in the perfect shape. Sge is so anima. She is that charachter who just has the perfect everything.
Mia crouchs and pulls Robin into a bear hug. Her laughs sound out tgrew the alley and I can't fight the tears daring to gush over.

Mia grabs lukes hand and together they walk away. They're shapes blur together as they leave and step threw the doors to there home.

I grab Robin and carry her away. We don't dare look back.

"Mommy where are we going first?"
Robin wonders.

"Well how about you decide. " I pull out the globe from the powerful bag of Mias which has anthing you want it to contain... its known as the bag of imagination.

I place the globe down and spin it.

I take robins hand and she holds out her finger. We stop the globe and we open our eyes. We move our finger to find we have landed on Paris.

"Paris it is." And then we are both along with the bag and globe zapped to Paris.

We walk out of the alley and find the eiffel tower smiling down at us.

Night has fallen upon us and there isnt a single star I can't see. I put Robin on my back and we stroll through the empty streets of Paris laughing and sightseeing like true tourists.

This is my happy ending...

Mia-Ann CatherineWhere stories live. Discover now