Chapter 8: Demons?

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I arrive at the England docks rather swiftly. They let me pass and tie my boat up for me. I ask for assistance and they carry my things to the carriage.

" Sir, where are you heading to." Asks the carriage driver gruffly. I can see he would prefer to be anywhere else but here.

" Oh cheer up. I have cash for you and you can stop your service for today if you take me where I

This does nothing and he just grunts as he places my last bag into the carriage.

Just as I go to get in a woman stops me.

" Sir, I know who you are." Shocked by this ( well since i actually made up this face and person) I raise my eyebrows at her. She chuckles and shakes her head. This time I take a step away from the crazy woman.She repeats herself "Miss I know who you are!"

"Excuse me?" I reply as politely as I can.

"Oh yes miss. You are no sir at all but a mam. I know this because you are really." She leans in and whispers "Mia-Ann Catherine. " I force a smile.

" Emmm... H-H-Ho" I stutter over my words and before I can try again my throat cloggs up.

"We need to talk." She whispers again.

"Sir are you of any need of assistance" calls the Carriage man.

"All is good. This younge man here was just offering me help by letting me travel with him." Announces the crazy woman.

"Oh really?" Asks the man suspiciously. "This is the first I've heard of this."

" Oh well we are long lost freinds. We have missed each other very much. Have we not Sir."

Smugly because of her rudeness I reply "Oh nan come on I'm sure he allready guessed your a family member. And anyways why should we have to explain our selves to the lower class." The woman glowers at me beneath her hat. She pulls at her shawl furiously.

Mia that was so rude. I didn't realise you were such a snob. I'm not a snob. Just a man with a bit of money.

"Well whatever just get in the carriage so I can get this job over with." His voice softens and I smile at him. He pushes the crazy woman in and gives me a hand, smiling smugly the whole time.

What! This attitude makes sense to him, I forgot I was surposed to be a filthy rich man. So I'm surposed to be rude and snobby that's why he didn't like me the first time. That is a hell load of bulls- please don't finish that sentence. Well fine I'll leave you and your grandma alone.

She then leaves me. I feel her presence disappear.

As soon as we are in and on the move the woman starts talking. Literally I'm allready lost. She's on a role.

She keeps talking and to fill the time I take in her appearance. Her hair is in long white curls to her waist. It sits loosely in a peace of ribbon wrapped around it. The ribbon seems a decade old its bright colour that was once red has dyed along with her skin.

Her skin is wrinkled and freckled in places. Her skin sags in all the wrong places and her bones appear wasted. As if they've been used to much so have given up. Her eyes come in and out of focus and are almost lost deep inside her skull.

I can't see much of her face for the hat she wears is huge and has attempted to hide the scars that have a whole island of there own. The scars I missed outside because she kept her hat low and the sun seemed to block them out. But sat here now seeing them I feel stupid for having of missed them.

Mia-Ann CatherineWhere stories live. Discover now