A War of Words

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Erika woke up, yet again, in this new land. It was strange, but, ultimately... pathetic. It was dictated by merchants and mercenaries. Heroes in clown costumes putting on performances day in, day out.

Today, however, was different. After breakfast... new people arrived at the Midoriya apartment. They wore a blue uniform, clearly tactical for their world but without any discernible weapons. Instead, they were called... Police? That is an odd term. But when they explained their job, it made sense. They're essentially unarmored Lawbringers. Huh, maybe this world isn't so different... but they just capture criminals, so maybe they are crazy after all.

One in particular wore a tan trenchcoat, and he was... giving off some kind of menacing aura. Something told her that she should not trust him, and nott speak to him directly. Her instincts were usually on point, and so she narrowed her eyes as he spoke to Inko quietly. Apparently, she was concerned for her wellbeing. Kind, sure, but fearful of her interactions with Izuku.

Sitting down on a chair opposite her own, the man finally introduced himself, looking her directly in the eye. "Hello, my name is Detective Naomosa Tsukauchi. Your name is Erika Kreigerin, correct?"
She nodded, still not trusting of the man, and making it clear. That was clearly surprising. "You don't seem to like me very much..."
"You're untrustworthy." She stated, completely flooring the man. "I trust the Midoriyas, because Inko and Izuku are genuine. But you... are... not..."

He sighed, "I can understand not being trusting of others. Especially in your situation. Being so far from home..."

That made her horrified, did they somehow find out about Heathmoor? No, I haven't said anything to Inko or Izuku... they must think I was from that other place... what was it called?

Before she could think about the answer to that, Naomosa answered the question for her. "I know it's a long way from Greenland, and it's honestly impressive that you can understand and speak Japanese as well as you do, but I must ask a few questions. It's to help and support you as we try to find your family, and help you decide your future."
That was something to be considered. He held the authority to ruin or help her future at this current time. So, she'd have to put up with this man's... questions.

"Very well. Anything I should know? One of your... quirks... that might affect this interrogation?"

Amused, he raised an eyebrow. "Well, you aren't being interrogated, for one, this is just for me to help understand who you are. As for the second question, my quirk is a lie detection one. It happens naturally, and there's no way to bypass it..."

That is a lie. Nobody is infallible.

"... but that doesn't really matter, since you're not going to lie, right?"

Testing the limits of such a quirk, she decided to test the first possible limitation. That being non-verbal. Warriors could tell a person's fighting style at a glance. They had to, to know when to fight back. And Apollyon, in Heathmoor, was the pinnacle of a warrior. Sure, she was still human, but she fought for years, and was Warlord for a reason.

And so, she nodded.

Noting, she found that his calm smile tensed, if ever so slightly. It worked. She could bypass it. Yet again, it proved that quirks weren't everything.

At the end of the interview, there were three very disturbing facts about Erika.

All her family was dead.

She was from a European country, based on her default language of Ancient Latin. Izuku and Naomosa were confused by that part, considering it was a dead language.

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