Health & Safety

447 23 18

Dekeu's head was throbbing. A constant thrum, at regular intervals, hammering into her skull... but as she came back to consciousness... the pounding turned to clanging noises... and she felt nothing but softness. A weightlessness brought on by a good bed... and smells and noises she couldn't place. Slowly opening her eyes, her mind struggled to catch up. When it did, her eyes split wide, and they darted around the room, taking in everything. The soft, warm wooden walls, the small table next to the bed...

Moving her limbs, as they ached and screamed in protest, Dekeu got to her feet, nearly hitting her head against the rather low roof. Carefully, she exited the room, peering toward the source of the noise, and found a man hammering away at something. Hot metal being molded into shape. Moving away from that, she wandered through the rest of the place, exploring, and, hopefully... finding a way out.

However, she instead found a kitchen. Entering she did search the place for food, and was near a knife block when she noticed the hammering stop. Quickly, she armed herself with a blade, just in time to whirl around just as her host arrived. His footsteps were loud, and clear through the place... and now was the first time she could see him. A short, stocky man, with a long beard, braided and bound in iron and white gold. Soot covered his form as he was still in his smithing gear. His voice was warm, although as she had found out recently, warmth didn't mean safety. He walked over to a cuboard, and pulled out some vegetables, while Dekeu moved away from him. The man's voice sounded like clear Korean, albeit a bit stiff and rough around the edges. "Ah, m'bad. I should have whipped you up something right around now."

And her stomach growled, traitorously, in response.

Looking to the knife block, he found the one he was looking for... missing, then sighed, "Look, I know you're scared. But I'm not going to hurt you." The weight in her hand behind her back went away, as he pulled out that very knife from his pocket, before turning back to the cutting board and vegetables. Looking at her hand in disbelief, she didn't need to ask as he answered the question forming in her mind. "The things I make can't actually hurt me. That, I make certain."

"Who are you?"
He paused, before a laugh escaped from his throat. Turning, he bowed his head slightly, "Durin Arkenstone, at your service." before returning to food preparation. Finishing cutting up the vegetables, he walked past her to another cupboard, and pulled out a large duck. Not alive, of course, but a plucked and ready piece of poultry he carved and put into a large pot. Moving it to a stone topped part of the counter, it rested on a cast iron grate. Leaning down slightly, making himself look shorter, he blew a breath, seemingly lighting a fire with little effort. "You fell at one of my trees. I brought you home, healed your wounds, gave you water and food. You have been out for a whole day, which is, by my father's beard, actually incredible. But... I can only heal the body." Turning to look in her eyes, he stated, "I can't heal the soul. That's for you, and you alone."

"It's alright, lassie. You're safe here. Stay as long as ye need." For the first time, she actually felt like she could finally sigh with relief. And, on top of that cry. Tears escaped her, without warning or ability to stop. It was a dam that finally broke. All the emotions... over just the past two days...

Durin grasped her hand. Flinching, she waited as he put in a... cloth. A handkerchief. Taking it, Dekeu cried into it as he led her back to her room. "There, there... just rest... I'll have a bite ready in just a sec..."

It was the first time she felt... at safe. But not at peace. Under all the emotion, she still had a fire, a raging curse that wanted to incinerate the person responsible. I will kill the Savage.

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