A New Battlefield

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A week had passed. Inko had kept true to her word, treating her like family... and Erika, despite herself, had accepted this. She remained harsh, but without the bite she had before. Something that was... at this time, unnecessary. However, today she would need that edge again.

Due to outside factors, and Inko's strained income, there was nowhere else to send her... but to the hell that Izuku considered a 'school'. As the whole concept was foreign to her, Apollyon listened to their explanation of everything. From the most advanced pieces of their technology, to the most fanciful of quirks. This world had changed far beyond things in Heathmoor... in some ways, for the better. Weapons were more destructive, more powerful. People have greater potential to become wolves.

But they also shackle themselves with mercy. Their heroes blindly made them into docile sheep. Again, this would not do.

Walking tall, and proud, she ignored the gazes of awe. As a tall, blond with piercing blue eyes, she was considered drop dead gorgeous. That being said, it was even more for those gibbering sheep that she arrived with her now foster brother, Izuku. That alone was already causing them to judge him, as well as her.

With her keen hearing, sharpened through decades of surviving alone, Erika could hear every little thing they said.

"Do you think he's told her his quirk yet?"

"I doubt it. She'll dump that freak as soon as she finds out."
"Yeah, she's clearly out of his league."

Smiling slightly, she knew these were idiots. What made their quirks any better? She couldn't see any dramatic boost in power, or anything that would make them stronger or more "suited" for hero work. It was irrational world view.

Arriving at the class, she waited for the "teacher" to arrive. Izuku didn't particularly like the man, and she was willing to trust his judgment. Especially when it came to matters like this. Oh, he didn't outright tell her, but his body's inherent reactions told a different story than his words.

One thing that rankled her was Izuku's crippling lack of confidence. He could be a great warrior, achieving his desires, if only he had the confidence... and the body, Erika admitted. He was a scrawny thing, not having lifted anything even close to half his body weight. That could be remedied. She'd see if he would like training. Even if he chose not to use it, it was better than none at all.

Normally, Apollyon would let her warriors stand or die on their own. Sure, she cared at the time, helping up a new warden after a battle, but that had been because of a mix of convenience, and timing. That, and he had directly helped her before, and always helped those who fought alongside her.

Sighing, Erika's thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of an older man. He was portly, out of shape, with a balding head. Reminiscent of a lazy feudal lord. Another Sheep, but one with authority. He cleared his throat, letting the class's loud voices quiet down on their own. Due to the lax style of authority, they didn't quiet down for at least 5 minutes. Pathetic. If I was leading this class, I would whip them into shape. No blackstone acts this abhorrent to those with authority... but I suppose in my legion, authority was earned. She waited until he started to speak. "As you may have noticed... today we have a new classmate. Do you mind introducing yourself?"

While she didn't want to, Izuku had told her that not doing so was considered rude. Also, she could choose what to say, specifically what she deemed relevant to know. And her quirk status didn't matter to her, so, she wouldn't have to say it. Standing tall, she replied, "My name is Erika Kregerin. That is all you need to know." Before sitting down.

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