Voices From the Past

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Dekeu had finished watching the finale a while ago, but couldn't get the boy, the one who won, out of her mind. The way he fought, how he was able to adapt to situations, even if they were blatantly unfavorable... all while being quirkless. She, herself, was a false positive. It's why she had to resort to being a flight attendant for a private jet, because it was the best she could do, while getting away from her family, disappointed as they were with how she turned out. She didn't ask to be born without a quirk. Or at least, not one that wanted to manifest.

Still, she pondered... how would she fight? Clearly to overpower. When she was young, she did practice Ssang-geom... or the art of fighting with two blades, in practice against her siblings... but she was definitely the odd one out.

"How ye doing?" It was the voice of the odd dwarf. He was definitely a good fellow at his core, just a little rough around the edges.

"I am fine."

"No soreness? No pain?"

"Nothing." And that was the truth. For the past two days... there was nothing but peace. The pain of the crash was finally gone. With its departure... was the final roadblock to her revenge, gone. He was a man of his word, after all.

And he knew it too. "Eh... very well. But, I do have an offer for ye."

She listened, as she stood up, careful not to hit her head on the door.

He reminisced over some old details, even bringing up the katanas she tried to steal in the process. "I had a student back in the day... name of En. He was proficient with a set of swords, just like you tried takin' from me the other week. Still, I could train ye so you don't die right away."

Now that appealed. She admitted, Durin knew how to phrase things to her, so that way she would stay. "How do I know you'll truly let me go after?"

"Because I give my word that ye will be able te. I just don't want ye te die first."

That was reasonable enough. Although she did have some questions. "En? Who were they?"
"He was an underground hero. Could create smoke. Nothing special, really. I was going to make his blades... well... when he was killed. Nothin' I could do." He sighed, taking off his helm for the first time. He was bald, even with some gray roots amongst his firey hair. It was hard to tell his age, honestly.

"If ye do this, I'll give those to ye. I've made my peace with em, but they need a proper master. What do ye say?"

She met his stony gaze, speckles of gold and silver amongst the copper interior. "I will, sensei."

Reiko was excited, although she didn't show it. To be honest, most would be, as she was now involved in one of the largest secrets in the world. Allmight's quirk. She now knew what it was, and was going to help Izuku choose who should next wield such awe inspiring power.

If that didn't excite the girl, nothing would.

Arriving at the apartment the Midoriya's resided at... she knocked on the door, patiently waiting... before it opened. Inko was dressed in a uniform, medical in nature, and clearly on the way out. "Oh, hello Reiko! How are you?"

"Good, thank you, Mrs. Midoriya." She smiled.

"Apologies, but I can't stay. I have work to get to. I trust you and Izuku won't put a bun in the oven quite yet. I should be back mid afternoon. Goodbye!"

After a moment of confusion about the seemingly innocent comment, Reiko blushed madly at the implication, before shaking her head. Entering the apartment, the monochromatic girl closed the door and found her beloved consort at their meager dining room table, eating a bowl of cereal. He glanced at her, swallowing, then sighing when he saw her expression. "Mom said something, didn't she?"

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