New Players

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Shoto was brought to a gym. It was unassuming, slightly dilapidated. However, he had been drilled by his father that many criminals used broken down buildings to hide their activities. This was proving that partially true. Not knowing what to expect, he remained quiet, silently looking at the inner occupants. A few of them sneered at Shoto, but backed off when they saw who was leading them. Apollyon. Everyone had heard of her... but the reason why they backed off was clearly on one of the small TV's that littered the place. A breaking news interview about... her? But what was the context?

There was no time to look it over when she started speaking to someone. Considering that the knight was selective on who she talked to, this man must be important. He didn't seem very powerful, with missing teeth, a cheap looking purple suit, and some gold rings. But appearances were deceptive, it seemed.

"I want a selection of your weapons. Melee only."

"Gotcha. Not forging more for yourself?"
"Not yet until I know what must be forged." She glanced behind her, at Shoto, while the man in purple nodded, "Very well. As you were good to me, I'll get you the good stuff." He waved a hand, and a few men nodded, leaving and returning with several large bundles of cloth.
"Thank you, Giran. Is there a... private room to test them out?"

A name. That he should remember for later.

"Of course. Follow me." He led them into a back room, with plenty of space. The two men with the cloth bundles set them down on the floor and unfurled them to reveal a large assortment of classical Japanese weapons. Blades, staves, and more. Giran then bowed to her and left the duo alone.
"The broker actually was able to scrounge up some useful implements... but I want to see if you are naturally attuned to them. I will attack in 3... 2..."

"Wait, what?!" Shoto was barely able to react before he felt her blade strike his back. Fortunately, it was the flat of the blade this time. However, she stated, "Slow. You need to be reactive to new threats. Start again."

Alright... I'll go for... as he was thinking, however, he didn't hear the countdown. Another thwack.

"You better get faster... or else it'll start actually hurting soon." She chastised. And so it was for the next one, he leapt for the strongest looking weapon... only for him to get hit regardless. Again and again, he moved as quickly as possible, getting faster until he was able to stop her blade. When he did that, she nodded in approval, putting her blade away on a loop on her belt. "Well done. What was the point of this?"

Confused, it was then that he realized, "You wanted me to get faster."


What else was there about it? His confusion was easy to see, but after a minute, he had to give it up. He just didn't know. "I don't know."

"Finally. The reason, besides breaking your notion of pride, was me attempting to determine what equipment you would need. And I believe I know what it is... but for now..." She turned back to the door. "Giran!"

The man in purple returned, "Yes... Oh god, these were my best pieces!" He cried over seeing the state of his weapons. They had all become barely better than scrap, with chips, dents, and even some of them being fully bent.

"These were your best? I'm glad I made my own. Those can be reimbursed."

The man grumbled, but acquiesced to that. "Very well... what do you need?"
"Do you have any jobs? I need to keep my squire busy."

Squire? For Shoto's benefit, Giran raised an eyebrow, "Squire?"

"Another term for apprentice."

"Ah, makes sense. And a job for him..." He rubbed his chin. "There's one. Same one I started with you. Debt collection."

Glancing at the boy, she nodded. "Very well. But I want him to get a new set of clothes, he's too... noticeable."

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