Sports Festival: Onto Round 2

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The fight ended just as Izuku made his way up. Jirou had been defeated by Monoma copying quirks before the fight. As she had sensitive ears, he had targeted that weakness. He'd talk with her later, right now, he wanted to watch the next few fights. They passed by, clearly stacked for quick fights. Tokoyami beat Ochako, even though she tried her best to stay in the ring, even making the bird headed boy float. At least it was clear how she was able to go toe to toe with him, as she was able to duck and dodge, using her quirk to win. Or at least tried to. The fact that Dark Shadow could move on its own allowed gravity nullification to be less of an issue than most thought it would be. It was spectacular... but not enough for the brunette to pass.

Walking to find the violette, he asked to speak privately. She obliged, understanding this was serious.


Izuku asked, "Have you seen her eyes lately?"

"What?" She asked, cheeks going slightly red at the intimate question. "Why do..."
"She's replaced them, Jirou." Izuku continued, ignoring the classmate's embarrassment at the question, focusing only on her horror as she realized what he was saying.

"Momo... she... did what?!"

"You heard me." Izuku stated, "And you didn't realize. I just want all of us to be safe, and what Momo is doing is entirely reckless. I need to know you're on the ball with this."

"I will be." She vowed. Something she intended to keep, because losing Momo, even to herself... would hurt more than she'd like to admit.

Endeavour, meanwhile, was furious. Not only was his perfect prodigy, at least in terms of quirk, missing, but now, he had been directly challenged less than a week into his mainstay as number one hero. Arriving at the crime scene... the police had done a good job of clearing the area. A lot of civilians were here, curiously disturbed by the crime, committed in broad daylight. Ignoring their gazes, he walked to the lead investigator. "What do you have?"

"Not much, unfortunately." He sighed, "She was dragged from the National Diet building, all the way here, and executed publicly. The perpetrator had an ice quirk of some kind, but it wasn't clear what. We know it's a male, but he was covered head to toe in armor. We have a rough sketch of the perpetrator... and the implications are concerning." He showed Enji the image, and he stopped for a moment.

"Doesn't this..."

"Look like Apollyon? Yeah... it's making me wonder, is this a copycat, or a disciple?"

Looking towards the Diet Building, just down the street, he sighed. It wasn't just the head of the HPSC that was murdered... but also the Prime Minister. If he didn't rise to the challenge... he'd lose all of the respect he built up in his career.

"Where do we begin, then?"

"Not sure." The detective followed his gaze, before continuing. "Our best guess... is that he is a victim of an event you were a part of. The video of his speech is damning, accusing you of abuse."

Endeavour scoffed at that, "Hmph. This person has no connection to me."

"He's accusing you of abuse, and that you caused death to those he cares about. He has to have a connection." He paused, the hero walking over the rest of the crime scene, now ignoring the detective. He was, of course, determined to take this villain down, but didn't care for why he was doing what he was doing...

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