Sports Festival: Dominion

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Shota Aizawa knew that they were co-ordinated... but never to this degree. He figured the brightest amongst them had banded together to get rid of him. Momo Yaoyorozu, Izuku Midoriya, Uraraka Ochako, Kyoka Jirou... those ones. Reiko Yanagi as well, considering her close bond with Midoriya... but not all of them. This first one proved that they could work together... but what about when it was impossible to work as a class? That would be a true test.

Shinsou was both ecstatic and furious. He had passed into the next round, despite what Class A did to try to stop him. Him and the rest of UA. He'd make them pay... but first he had to make sure he passed. Midnight soon answered the question that all of them had: what was the next challenge?

"Ladies and Gentlemen... today, the next challenge will be a dominion challenge! The way this works: There are multiple points of interest around the arena. At the center are "reactors" that must be defended. Failure to do so will mean the elimination of the team currently in control! Of course, this wouldn't be a sports festival without a little competition... the number one place of the race will have their reactor set to have the most health before detonation, meaning that if you want them to fail, you might need to capture their reactor! Make sense? Teams will be three people only, which means that there will be some without reactors! Now we'll give some time for the teams to form..."

Meanwhile, Chitoise Kizuki was on a phone call with a rather irate woman. Normally... she'd just block them, but this wasn't a case where she could. After all, as head of Shoowaysha Publishing... she couldn't ignore the head of the Hero Public Safety Commission... especially if there was a juicy story to find. She couldn't help herself when it came to secrets. They just needed to be blown open, exposed to the world. But... for now, and for the good of the Meta-Liberation Army... she'd just have to restrain herself. "...want you to find dirt on that student."

"Sure, sure, just send me the name and I'll look into them." She looked over her nails, considering whether she should get them redone for the meeting this upcoming weekend.

"Midoriya Izuku. He's slandering us."

Smiling, Chitoise knew that this wasn't really slandering her... after all, isn't the media just an extension of the government? No, this was her panicking, and to be honest, the blue skinned reporter was tempted to just not do it and report it as is. Just to be safe, though, she agreed. "Sure, I'll get right on it."

"You better." The madam hung up. Sighing, she opened her laptop, and easily accessed the Deternat student files. It was the largest support company in Japan, and they had an exclusive access to most of UA's student support requests. Of course... some they just didn't care about. I mean, a weak telekinesis? A navel laser that hurts the user just as much as others? While sad, still... that's not going to be useful for the Meta Liberation movement. Finding the right file... she found it... and paled. Staring at it, she found that the Grand Commander had already taken moves against this particular student, and she knew why.

He was a null. He had no quirk, and therefore, no soul. After all, the world was made better by quirks, and they were where the soul manifested. Having a null born... shameful. And they were the top student? No wonder Re-Destro was interested in putting him down. Looking over the support gear request... she found that it was set up to be as tanky as possible... and Deternat's files indicated some level of sabotage. After all, the visor was a piece of cake to do. They just didn't want to give him that, under the guise of "too complicated". Fair enough... but if the other parts of the files got out... oh jesus, that would tank Deternat's stock. It's already bad enough that the nulls placed shackles on quirks years ago... she looked over the recent additions. Synthetic bodyarmor, lightweight plating... alright. That's fine... but then she scanned the news for him.

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