The Finest Revenge...

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Bakugo Katsuki was in the hospital for a week. As soon as he was conscious, he was immediately rabid, looking for that... that bitch that put him in the hospital. Attempting to get up, he found that his body was restrained. His palms were sweaty, of course, so he could use his quirk to get out of this...

Only for extras in nurse uniforms to arrive. They moved to subdue him. Him! If he could be taken down by nurses like this, then he wouldn't ever be able to fight villains like her!

However, after a brief scuffle, a doctor entered the room. "Young man, stop this! Do you want to make your recovery longer?"

That made him stop. Finally a reason to actually stop. He then relized that the worst had happened. He lost. He was shown to be weak. And she did that without a quirk.

The doctor seemed relieved that the boy was now not resisting. Soon after this encounter, the last person he wanted to see entered the room: The Old Hag.

She was less than thrilled with his hospitalization, which was to be expected. Fortunately, or unfortunately, she seemed to be under the impression that it was karma, and didn't yell or hit him. Such were small comforts.

"Katsuki Bakugo. What is this I hear about you starting a fight at school?"

That didn't surprise him. After all, since he won most of his "fights" without a problem, then there wasn't anything to report. As far as the school considered him, he could do no wrong. Especially now. But Mitsuki, on the other hand... was not the school. And since he lost, and got hospitalized... there was nothing he could hide from her.
"Some new bitch got in my way."
His mother actually laughed, "Sounds like you had this coming, then." Glancing at the doctor, she asked, "When can I take my brat home?"

"In a few minutes. We just need to run some tests first, in order to make sure that he isn't... well..." He looked at the boy, apprehensively. "He suffered a major concussion. We'd like to keep him here, but if he's able... it would be best for him to rest. If he absolutely needs to get home, then we are not going to refuse your request."

The blonde woman nodded in understanding. "Well, since he won't say it, thanks for patching him up. Do you know what happened? The school isn't telling me."
"Ah... no... all I can tell you is that he suffered from major skull fracturing, as well as a concussion, several broken ribs from a particularly nasty blow, and a few other bruised bones. Especially around the base of his skull. From what I can only assume was whiplash of some kind. As for what caused it? Only he..." The man pointed gently at the boy, "...knows."

"Well, that's something I'll ask later." She smiled sweetly, but Katsuki knew that this was going to a fucking catastrophe.

Meanwhile, Inko and Erika walked into Aldera, completely unafraid. They were here with a purpose, and Erika had no reason to waste any more time here. This 'school' was an embarrassment. With what she learnt from Inko... schools were designed to teach what was necessary for students' lives... but Aldera had failed in its core tenet: student safety. Apollyon knew that the world wasn't safe, that you couldn't wrap Izuku in feathers and let him go... but Inko was not like her. She knew, but still tried to anyways. She'd smother him in protection... but the boy was determined to want to help people. His selfless attitude befit a Warden, or Lawbringer. Well, maybe just a Warden. Lawbringers had been proven to be far more fickle than Izuku was.

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