The Calm...

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The next morning, everyone had arrived at class earlier than normal. At least half an hour earlier... and Momo had brought along her contribution. Bugs. With micro cameras, all networked to a black box in her backpack, connected through a secure connection. As she passed them out, Katsuki scoffed at the effort. This drew the ire of... Mina. She rounded on him, "Seriously? What's your problem, blondie?"

He ignored her, or tried to as she got in his face. "Really, you seem to hate Mido. You realize he'll be here for the rest of your time here...?"

"No he won't." The explosive boy shot back, finally unable to ignore the pink girl. "He can't be a hero. He doesn't have a quirk. He got in through luck or a bribe."

Before Izuku could even defend his own exam results, Reiko stormed up to him. "You think my knightly saviour passed because of a bribe? As if he has no honor, or inherent strength of his own?"

That actually made him laugh. "Ha! If he had to fucking save you, then you shouldn't be here either, Spooky bitch. As if he could be strong..."

Uraraka, who, like everyone else, had observed the battle trial, couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are... you serious? What do you count yesterday, then?"

"A Fluke. Besides, he used a sword. Only villains need weapons."

Izuku sighed, accepting the bug, and putting it on the inside of his horrendously done tie. He swore to himself that he'd just buy a clip on one of these days. "Our teacher uses a weapon. Your gauntlets are weapons. Quirks are classified as weapons by law. What makes you different?"

He sneered, but didn't reply. When Momo offered him one, he just turned the other direction, looking out the window. She deflated slightly, but turned and sat down just as their teacher arrived. Well, that's a better response than it could've been.

Aizawa looked over every student, as they looked back blankly. Deciding that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he sighed, and stated. "Good morning, I suppose. Let us get to the logical conclusion of yesterday's heroics class. The results." He noticed that Mineta, for a change, had his hand raised. "Yes?"

"Um... sir... didn't we already receive feedback from Allmight?"

As that was a legitimate question, Aizawa gave a simple answer. Izuku made sure that the camera was on him as he replied. "Yes, you received feedback. But, Allmight is a new teacher. Inexperienced. Illogically focusing on cushioning it in soft language. I will not provide that luxury."

Several students gulped. Many had taken the time in heroics to be more relaxed, and to take it with less stress. Now that they knew that Aizawa would also be grading their heroics exercises, each student showed some level of... fear. Katsuki the only exception.

And, of course, he started with the first exercise. That meant Izuku was in the firing line, "Given the circumstances of the first exercise... I will say that Midoriya did something incredibly foolish. Instead of taking the numerical advantage, you decided to take on a rival of yours just because you could."

That made no sense to Izuku. It had nothing to do with Katsuki in the first place. He just happened to be on the enemy team. No, he just wanted to be treated as an equal. "What? Is that what you thought?"

"Clearly. It is clear that you wanted the chance to get even. Especially with how reckless you are with your sword. I have half a mind to confiscate it." Now that was already pushing the line. He was almost willing to take an assault with a deadly weapons charge just to make him shut up. However, swallowing his pride, he continued to listen to the illogical tirade. "Reckless?"

"You threw it. Your armor is capable of withstanding nitroglyceryn explosions. You could have done the logical option and just capture him."

Now, this was the third day with Class A at UA. Aizawa was only there for about 1 ¾ of the day. There was no way Aizawa knew that Katsuki used psychological tactics as well as actual battle tactics. Granted, his main tactic was just: attack, but he knew what he was doing. Izuku had to keep him on his toes, and he didn't have the mobility to match him at full blast. He had to kneecap the blond's ability to relocate. And so he did. Aizawa's suggestion was idiotic at best.

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