(Presumably) Temporary Shelter

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Izuku honestly didn't know what to make of Erika Kreigerin. She was beautiful, tough, no nonsense, yet... completely ignorant about the world. He learnt the harsh truth at 4 years old. If she didn't have a quirk... and was now brought to this part of the world now... she'd be completely broken by the end of the week. At least, that was his guess. Glancing at Inko, he noticed that she was thinking the exact same thing. "Well... Izuku is the expert among the two of us... or as close as he can be without a certification..."

She was looking more and more irritated by the cagey answer, so Izuku just said it. "Quirks are superhuman powers that 80% of the Earth's population have. Most of them are from Greenland, and most are in the older generations... Um... I'm quirkless... I'm probably the only one in Japan, if I were to guess..." He looked away from her blazing eyes. "Mom has a quirk, can... can you show her?"

"Mine is called Attraction. It only allows me to pull small objects to me." She demonstrated by levitating and pulling Izuku's chopsticks to her. They both watched as the gears turned in her head...

Apollyon could not believe her luck. Not only was she stuck on a peace loving world with no concept of true war... now the deck was stacked even more against her, with most of the world having those weird powers... and she didn't have one. At least, not one she knew of. But... it was also an opportunity. They are so drunk on luck based power... that they'll never appreciate true strength. It was her only method to overcoming this... this joke of a human civilization.

Izuku was just like her. Meaning that he was far more valuable than that blond idiot from before ever could be. And now she made the connection, of what was bothering her about him. He was just like Hervus Daubeny.

Despite the opinions of others, Daubeny wasn't a cowardly idiot. He knew his faults, his weaknesses. But that didn't make him prey. No, he was a lion, not a wolf. He stalked, waited, planned, and struck when he knew he could win. He was competent, but not outstanding in combat. Sure, he was one to give up pride to survive, but he was ambitious. Cunning. Just like Izuku.

She just hoped Izuku wasn't too much like the man. He couldn't stomach her coming age of wolves. That was the reason for the man's treachery, in the end. He wanted to be a Lord, to have order, and yet, the blackstones were creating chaos and disorder. Fundamental opposing ideals. Erika could respect him for his choices. If Izuku turned out like him, well, she'd respect him for it. Didn't mean she would show mercy if he got in her way.

"And... they're... random?" she asked, still coming to terms with all of this.

"Well... not really..." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "They're genetic, which means the parents influence what you get, most of the time."

Oh, so there were factors that determined quirks. Interesting.

"I... I need to understand more about this..." she nearly whispered.

Inko smiled sadly, clearly misunderstanding something, yet Erika didn't contest this, as it could work in her favor. "Well... I think you should get washed up and ready for bed... Izuku... you do have school tomorrow. Can you show Erika where she will be staying?"

"Of course!" He walked over to the hall, guiding the girl down it. They passed by his own, and she had to stop and see it. Red, white and blue. There were several knights who donned those colors before she either conscripted them to the Blackstones... or cut off their heads. But that wasn't what caught her attention. No, it was the stupidly muscle bound blond man in a form fitting outfit. And there were depictions of him on every wall, even as his bedsheets.

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