Chapter 1: A little crush

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Jiang Wanyin frantically clasped his hands over Wei Wuxian's mouth, stopping him from saying anything further. Surrounding students and teachers gave them a quizzical look and continued on about their day.

Both were currently walking down their university road, where Jiang Cheng had finally, after a long night's thoughts, decided to tell Wei Wuxian, his brother, about his seemingly little crush. It was embarrassing indeed. When he first met Lan Xichen he was in his third year of high school and Lan Xichen was in his 3rd year of College. They would have never met unless Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji did first. That was one of the only things he was thankful for.

 It was only after their summer stay at the Lan Mansion, he had figured out his own feelings. Of course he felt helpless since he could barely even imagine Lan Xichen liking him back. He had heard rumors that every girl in campus would simp over him like lunatics...but who would not? Jiang Cheng sure did but he certainly was not as shameless. The man was built like a Greek God and had the gentlest smile ever, totally contrasting his brother, Lan Wangji, who's face showed not a glimmer of emotion. 

"Aiyo Chengcheng! Who knew you liked the esteemed Zewu-Jun." Wei Wuxian stated the last words in a teasing manner. 

"Well I can't go back now can I? Idiot!" Jiang Cheng snapped back angrily. his temper getting out of hand. 

Yes. Lan Xichen indeed had a nickname. Zewu-Jun as given. Jiang Cheng was positive it was started by a random girl on campus. It was fucking stupid, according to him but it stuck and now people addressed him as Zewu-Jun in his workplace and such. How ridiculous! 

"I must tell you though, Lan Zhan wouldn't be too happy about this news." 

"And why the fuck would I care? No one likes that Idiot anyway." 

"I thought  Wei-Xiong was dating Wangji-Xiong." Nie Huaisang who had caught them walking together earlier now joined their conversation. 

Jiang Cheng shook his head in disappointment. "I love Lan Zhan~" Wei Wuxian said dreamily and Jiang Cheng swore he was going to puke. "Simp." 

"As if you aren't simping for--Zewu-Jun~" And again his brother brought his teasing tone back and Jiang Cheng slapped him on the head with his math text book while Nie Huaisang brought his grey fan up to his face, his features turning in surprise. 

"Jiang-Xiong--you like Lan Xichen?" 

"Shut up!" 

"Ooh~ My brother is best-friends with him, and naturally I am close with him too, would you like me to set him up with you?" 

"Aiya! No need for that Huaisang! All my brother had to do is show off his perfect figure and I'm sure Lan Xichen would fuck him thorough."


The Nie chuckled behind his fan as he watched the two brothers fight.

"My offer is still valid though." He said. 

"No! I don't like him that much anyway." 

Wei Wuxian laughed. "Denial is a river in Egypt, dear brother. You really think I haven't noticed you staring at Lan Xichen." 

Nie Huaisang O-ed and Jiang Cheng turned bright red. 

"Shut up Wei Wuxian!!" 

"Right! This is perfect, Lan Zhan told me that Lan Xichen was going to give a couple of lectures this year in our school. I'm pretty sure if you make a move, something might happen~" 

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. "Your talking as if he likes me too...and...your little boyfriend never said what major he's giving lecture for. What chances are there that he would be giving lectures for our major?" 

"Well Lan Zhan also said that it was something!" 

Jiang Cheng's ears perked up. "Really?" 

"Aiyo Chengcheng. He owns a company, he majored in business, do you really think he would lecture in what--- art?!" 

Jiang Cheng mentally slapped himself. For the first time his brother actually made sense. 

"Still...he mentioned something about a crush." 

Wei Wuxian laughed once again. "Who? Lan Xichen? Oh dear brother whoever it might be I'm sure you are nothing compared to them anyway. 

"But I heard it was Meng Yao..." 

Now Wei Wuxian simply burst out laughing. "OH! That bitch. Oh my brother, I don't know what you were worried about." 

Nie Huaisang nodded in agreement. "No one likes Jin Guang Yao. He's such a two faced crackhead." 

Jiang Cheng was thankful his friends were supportive but at the same time Meng Yao was closer to Lan Xichen than he himself. They were even part of the venerated triad. How the fuck was he supposed to compete with that. 

"Have you seen Meng Yao anyway? Compared to your fuckign thin waist and bubble butt he stand no chance." 


Nie Huaisang chuckled and closed his fan and tucked it into his pocket, tightening his backpack over his shoulders before following his friends once again. 

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