Chapter 5: Too nice

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Jiang Wanyin sighed. Summer break went by faster than lightning. School started once more and he absolutely dreaded it. Not because Lan Xichen was teaching. Over the summer they had grown VERY close and you could say they were good an extent. He was worried about all the girls on campus who were drooling all over Lan Xichen. Part of him hoped that the beauty standards had changed and that the God-like man was not considered handsome but who was he kidding? 

His first lecture of the semester had ended up being Lan Xichens and he was positive that no one---absolutely NO ONE was listening. Literally, everyone was crazy about the man. He hated it. Especially since he had literally fallen more in love with Lan Xichen over the summer than he ever could. He wanted to pierce the eyes of anyone who even dared to look at him. But--Lan Xichen being the oblivious fool he is didn't realize those idiotic girls were drooling over him, instead whenever someone approached him he would smile at them and even have a fucking chat. 

Why the fuck was this man so fucking kind?!! Jiang Cheng was about to have a headache. He had followed the man around campus, sneaking behind a couple of pillars and pulling Wei Wuxian in front of him whenever he felt he was about to get caught. He was crazy about this man. 

Of course he wasn't dumb enough to interfere in any of this. He simply stood to the side and watched. Lan Xichen stood out amongst the crowd of students. He tall and freakishly built anyone could spot him, even from a mile away. 

When their lecture ended a couple of daring girls went up to him and asked for his number and to Jiang Cheng's utter pleasure the older man refused. But then he said something to the group which made the girls giggle like a bunch of 5 year old kids, and they ran from the classroom. 

Jiang Cheng was dying to know what Lan Huan said that made them giggle like that but instead of asking he simply left the classroom without uttering a single word to Lan Xichen. He could feel another group of people crowd around his crush as he left the room with Wei Wuxian trailing his back. 

Once they were finally out of the classroom his brother took the chance to speak up. 

"Aiyo Chengcheng! Why don't you ask Lan-Da-Ge about what he said? I know you wanted to!" Wei Wuxian cheekily teased him making Jiang Cheng frown. 

"Can't you keep your mouth fucking shut for once?!" 

His brother laughed, making him roll his eyes before continuing his way to the library. 


"What are you doing Wanyin?" The voice made Jiang Cheng flinch before he turned to face Lan Xichen, whose face was so close to him he swore he was going to faint. 

"Lan Huan!" Jiang Cheng scolded him quietly before looking around to see if anyone was near them and thankfully no one was. 

"What are you looking for?" 

"People." Jiang Cheng bluntly answered before putting some distance between the two, being close was not good for his soul. 

"Oh. But there isn't anyone around." Lan Xichen said before scooting his chair closer to the younger making Jiang Cheng surprised. 

"Huan Ge, you better turn around and leave before someone sees us." 

"And what will happen if someone does?" Lan Xichen couldn't help but smirk. 

"Then people are going to hoard me everywhere I go and ask how I know you, where I met you, what you like, what's your number, how to get your number...stuff like that. And we both know I hate attention." 

Lan Xichen chuckled.

"You know...I wanted to ask...why are you so fucking nice?! Don't make small talk with every fucking person you see!" Jiang Cheng fumed before Lan Xichen smiled. 

"You mustn't curse during school Wanyin, your principal wouldn't b too happy knowing his star student was into cursing." 

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. "Star Student?! Right..." The sarcasm spilled from his voice making Lan Xichen frown. 

"Yes. I looked over your classmates grades and you have the best. If I was the principal, you would certainly be my star student." The sentence was said so tenderly it made Jiang Cheng blush. 

"I--Who gave you permission to look through my grades?!" Jiang Cheng attempted to mask his embarrassment but failed. 

"I think someone mentioned before I'm your...hmmm....teacher?" 

"Go away!" 

Lan Xichen chuckled before leaving the younger boy alone so he could focus. He knew they had a big test coming up and he had to study for it. Jiang Cheng had told him about it and he let the younger vent his worries about the test to him. 


"Your back." Nie MingJue said as Lan Xichen entered his office. 

"Yes. I'm finally here." Lan Xichen sighed and sat down in his chair. 

Nie MingJue snorted. "Pff! i thought you'd never come back. You didn't even attempt to call your best friend during the summer." 

Lan Xichen rolled his eyes before opening his computer. He had been gone for a long time. He had asked his best friend to take over his spot for a while before he came back. Nie MingJue was the perfect person for the job and he was glad he had such a good friend. 

"How's it going with your wife?" Lan Xichen asked making his best friend smirk. 

"If A-Yao heard you say that he would have attempted to kill you." 

Lan Huan laughed. Nie MingJue and Meng Yao had gotten married last summer. He had to admit they were the last people he'd expect to be a couple. The three were a trio back in college and even now. They hung out often but Lan Xichen felt as if he was a third-wheel during their time together...probably because he was one. 

"Ai Lan Xichen...I have to tell you, married life is great! It's still a surprise to me why you haven't made a move and gotten married yet...knowing you...and your preferences, you'd love sex after marriage." 

Lan Xichen blushed but shook his head. "It's not the right time yet." This made Nie Mingjue sigh. "Not the right time? That's what you've been saying for the past...couple of years." 

But Lan Xichen was persistent. 

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