Chapter 32: The little things

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They had stayed like that for hours, comforting each other silently, hands never leaving the other's body. Jiang Cheng cuddled himself into a little ball and let Lan Xichen hold him in his arms. His mind was blank and his body was numb but a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. 

A while later, once he calmed down, he unwrapped himself wrapped his arms around Lan Xichen's neck, and wrapped his legs around his waist, whilst pressing his face against his veiny neck. He knew he would have to start going to therapy from now on. Even if he refused Lan Xichen would make him go. A part of him knew it was only for the better. It was time he moved on and continued with his life. Of course, his family will always be in his heart. But--he couldn't let the guilt carry him when nothing was his fault. 

Once he was comforted, content, and ready to get up, his lover was asleep, holding on to him tightly, hands fisted against his white sweatshirt. Jiang Cheng loved Lan Xichen so much. Even when he wanted to let go of his feelings and move on, he couldn't. It only made him realize how much he actually loved the older man. He was no mind reader, he could only hope that Lan Xichen loved him the same -- and even if he didn't his love was enough to last both of them a hundred lifetimes. 

He promised himself that once Lan Xichen woke up he would ask him out on a date. He realized that they hadn't gone out on an real date after they officially started dating. They were so caught up in work and Jin Ling, there wasn't any time to be alone and enjoy themselves. Jin Ling was now with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji so they had at least a day and a had to themselves to do whatever they wanted. But first he would let Lan Xichen rest. 

- - - -

"A-Cheng?" Lan Xichen quietly groaned as he opened his eyes, heavy with sleep. He smiled contently as a hand was stroking his hair ever so gently. 


"Are you feeling better?" 

Jiang Cheng smiled. "I'm doing great now." 

"That's good. That's great." Lan Xichen pressed a kiss to his lover's forehead and let his lips rest their for a second before cupping his hands around Jiang Cheng's face. The look that resided there let him know that the younger wanted to say something so he looked at him reassuringly, letting him know that he could say what he wanted to say. 

"Shall we go on a date? The two of us? We haven't been on one even after started dating and now that Jin Ling's occupied we have a while to ourselves before he wants mama and papa." 

Lan Xichen giggled before nodding. "That sounds amazing, love. Where do you want to go?" 

Jiang Cheng cheekily grinned before leaning back. "Nuh uh." He shook his finger back and forth. "I'm taking you out on a date. You get to choose where we go." 

"Is that so? Then, how about the park. You love taking walks there and it's the perfect weather for a nice little walk in the park. We can get Tanghulu from the street stall near the park playground." 


- - - - 

  Two tall males holding hands, kissing from time to time was the eye catcher of every passerby in the park. One with flowy long hair, prettier than an angel itself, the other strikingly handsome -- it was quite a sight. 

Jiang Cheng shivered slightly at the cold wind that gushed past him and tightened his grip around Lan Xichen's hands leaning towards him for more warmth. They decided to stop by the Tanghulu stall since it's quite big and the owner was an old man that Jiang Cheng talked to whenever he had time or when he passed by. He was pretty sure he knew everything about the old man at this point. 

Tonight reminded him greatly of the night they had confessed to each other. It was cold, yet warm, sad, yet happy, scary, yet safe. 

He stopped in his tracks. Lan Xichen looked at him in confusion and Jiang Cheng fiddled with hsi fingers. The warm look in his eyes made Lan Xichen's heart flutter. 

"I love you a lot Lan Xichen. So much that sometimes - I get scared - scared that you don't love me as much." 

Lan Xichen smiled. "Words cannot expresses how much I love you Jiang Wanyin. My love for you measures beyond the universe and further, to lengths yet to be explored." 

They had gone home that night to fervent and hurried love-making. 

- - - - 

Sometimes Jiang Cheng would find himself thinking about Lan Xichen. About the future and Jin Ling. At one point Jin Ling would have to know the truth. Honestly, Jiang Cheng was scared that Jin Ling wouldn't take it the right key and that he would start to drift apart form Jiang Cheng, worse, start to hate him. So he had sat down with Lan Xichen one night at the dinner table after Jin Ling had gone to sleep. He had told him his worried and the older man had silently listened to him, giving him tiny kisses on his temple and gentle hugs when he stopped talking, afraid to complete his words. 

Some times, he would just feel sad. Not because of his parents, or his sister or Jin Ling or even work but just because he felt like it. Maybe it was just that he needed attention. But whatever it was, those days Lan Xichen sat with him and simply sat next to him in silence, only their shoulders touching, as they bot stared out the window. He knew in a way this was a sort of --- a way to relieve himself of the world and it's responsibilities. He wondered if Lan Xichen thought the same, and his thoughts were confirmed when one night Lan Xichen had thought he was sleeping and told him how he liked to sit in silence with jiang Cheng because it was a time for him to "heal". 

But it was also his duty to return those little things to Lan Xichen. He would listen to him after work on all the little things that annoyed the older man. Even though they worked in the same place now, Lan Xichen got off of work later than him. Recently after they received a huge offer from an overseas company for a collaboration Lan Xichen had been working late a lot and Jiang Cheng was always there to welcome him home. Lan Xichen would never forget that. When he saw Jiang Cheng crunched up on one of the chairs int he dining room, resting his head on the table, his eyes fluttering with each second. It was nice to have someone to come home to after a tough day at work. 

At times Lan Xichen would come home to Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng playing pretend. It was truly a sight, a blessing in disguise. Jin Ling was not his child by blood, yes. But he really felt like it though. Sometimes Lan Xichen felt like Jin Ling was his own child, his and his lover's and he swore to protect the little bundle of joy till the day he died. His life was complete, content and he had everything he would ever need. 

And he would never let that go. 










"When did you start liking me Xichen?" 

"When I was a senior in high school." 


"I could never forget the first time I saw you. You were just -- perfect, and I knew that instant that you would be mine." 


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