Chapter 21: Killing two birds with one stone Pt.1

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This was not originally part of Lan Xichen's plan. He had originally thought of taking Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng out somewhere after work today. This week had been a long week especially now that jin ling considers them his parents. And ever since Jin Ling started calling Jiang Wanyin "Mama" you could say its been a rocky road for the Jiang. Especially when they went out in public being stared at while your nephew called you mama when you a boy didn't really help. But he got used to it. Lan Xichen got used to it. Never had he imagined he would get into this situation with his crush of 12 years but it is what it is.

Anyway, the plan was astray and Lan Xichen decided to be smart. He had not the courage to ask Jiang Cheng to dinner, lest voice his romantic feelings for the other so this as a good excuse for a date. He knew it was lame and he was being a fucking coward but something had to be done right. It was better to do something than nothing. He used his employee's plan to set "xicheng" up to advance in his own personal life. It was literally the same thing so it made no difference in the end---if everything worked out that is. 

"So? What do we do?" Jiang Cheng asked Lan Huan who was lost in thought. 

"Oh! umm pretend that the guy didn't show up and we simply decided to go on a date instead." Lan Xichen suggested shrugging his shoulders and Jiang Cheng scoffed. 

"Who in the actual fuck would buy that? Lu Ya? Hell no."

"Oh A-Cheng, you are still in working hours, and I am your boss and I so suggest you mind your language." 

"And might I as well remind you that, according to Jin Ling, you are his father and I am his mother which in Jin Lings understanding makes you my husband in which applied to general society's understanding, I have power over you. So I advice you to not tell me what to do." 

Lan Xichen's eyes widened, he swore it was just a joke. It was a joke, that was all. Nothing more. But the boy sounded so serious. 

"Wanyin.." Lan Xichen awkwardly chuckled making Jiang Cheng realize his tantrum. 

"I-I am sorry. I was out of line." 

"No-no it's makes sense." No the fuck it didn't and Lan Xichen was glad Jiang Cheng didn't hear the last part.

"So- are we staying in the cafe or are we going somewhere else?" Jiang Cheng asked, breaking the silence between them. 

"I think--I think we should go out, with Jin Ling." Lan Xichen carefully nitpicked his words, not wanting to create a bigger mess but also be subtle. 

"With Jin Ling?" He raised an eyebrow and stared at Lan Xichen waiting for Lan Xichen to answer. 

"Yes. A-Ling hasn't been out anywhere in a while and I think it would be nice if we went somewhere with him...and it would keep Lu Ya and Su Yang off our tail." He rushed to say in the end and he sincerely felt like a coward. Ah!

 Lan Xichen why can't you just ask him out?

"Yea--" Jiang Cheng trailed off. That was a good idea. The first word that popped into Jiang Cheng's mind was family bonding. Gosh! Family Bonding? Jiang Cheng felt ridiculous for thinking like that. Lan Xichen was helping out with taking care of his nephew who thinks he's his mother and Lan Huan his father which wasn't as bad as Jiang Cheng thought it might go. He seriously misdated how patient Lan Xichen was. 

"Tell me you have your car because I walked." 

"Hm." The two then left the cafe with two 'sneaky' matchmakers trailing them. 


"Up-- up, Baba!" Jin Ling held his hands up at Lan Xichen who cooed before lifting him up. Recently it seems that Jiang Wanyin and Lan Huan had--silently? mutually? came into an agreement that they would 'temporarily' act as Jin Ling's parents. It was an awkward situation and no one brought it up. It passed away just like the matter of the death of Jiang Cheng's parents and sister. Lan Xichen knew he had to sit him down and talk about it at one point. He just didn't know when. He couldn't even ask him out, how the hell was he going to talk about something this big? 

Lan Xichen took a seat with Jin Ling on the couch while they waited for Jiang Cheng to come out. Another thing he noticed was nowadays, Jiang Cheng took a lot more time to get ready. And he started growing his hair out more. His hair was currently up to his stomach but a bit shorter. He looked--a lot more feminine with his hair down. At times he wore a bun and other he let his hair roam free. It was a big change and Lan Xichen was sure it was  him trying to forget about the tragic events of the past. 

And he was right. When Jiang Cheng got out his long hair was flowing a couple strands tucked behind his ears. Boy did he look gorgeous. Lan Xichen stood up with Jin Ling and walked over to the door before turning to look at a extremely attractive Jiang Wanyin. 

"Let's go?" 

"Let's go."

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