Chapter 19: The Lan Employees top secret meeting

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"So you think our boss is dating him?" 

Lu Ya rolled her eyes. "Yea, no shit. Of course, they're dating. The freaking baby just called them baba and mama." 

Lu Ya, a representative for their graphics department had been working in Gusu Lan for a couple of years now. She was very well respected and one of Lan Xichen's most trusted workers. Although she was 23, she is a smart and responsible young lady. But her co-workers never failed to get on her nerves as Lu Ya once said "Y'all are the most fucking dumbest people I've ever met." 

"But--I thought our boss was into--women?" Another worker from the far right corner of their circle formation said making Lu Ya frown once again. 

"And I thought you were too and boy was I wrong."

The boy flushed and withered away into his seat as many eyes now pried upon him. 

Thats what I thought. 

Lu Ya thought to herself and smiled proudly. Despite her smart and sensible aura it is well known that she has a sharp tongue and the smartest comebacks ever. No one. Not one in their graphics deportment even tried to argue with her. The only person who was her match was Jiang Wanyin, the main subject of todays meeting. But Lu Ya and Jiang Cheng got along really well. To say they were alike in so many ways they were almost like siblings, always grumpy. 

"Anyway. I think A-Cheng is a very good match for our boss...don't you think?" 

She prodded her head to the others sitting around her and they all quickly nodded but there are always two sides to an opinion. 

"But--what about Jin GuangYao?" Su Yang asked and Lu Ya's eyes widened. 

Of course Su Yang was invited to this meeting. It was top secret and no one knew about this except the employees of the Lan Company. Mostly everyone was invited, everyone except those few people that Lu Ya nicknamed bitches and blabbermouths. basically anyone who they knew would talk behind their backs and reveal anything that went on in this meeting outside. And Jiang Wanyin And Lan Xichen were the last two people completely rid from the list of the invited. They WERE the topic of todays meeting. 

"I thought they were like a thin--" 

"Say another word--I'll make you won't see another ray of light again." A deep voice growled from behind him and Su Yang swore he saw heaven for a moment. 

"MingJue-Xiong! I-I-" 

Su Yang tried to explain himself but Nie Mingjue obviously did not see him as 'worthy' to converse with. He slowly shifted to Lu Ya for an explanation who sighed at her co-workers lack of knowledge. 

"Come here newbie." 

Su Yang shifted towards her. 

"Jin GuangYao is Nie Mingjues husband. I advise you to not let his name leave you mouth again. Who knows he might chop your tongue off or something." 

Su yang shuddered and moved back to his original spot but made sure to keep his distance from Nie MingJue who was shooting arrows at him. 

"But how do they have a kid? I-don't think its possible." Another worker said. 

"The hell do I care." Lu Ya replied. "The point is they're cute and we need to make a ship." 

And that was the moment everything went free. people were lining up behind the desk combining names and ideas. After a while of pondering everything was final. Lu Ya took a notebook to jot down the final decisions. 

"So to make sure, Xicheng, their talking---but have a child?" Lu Ya asked skeptically and upon watching other nodded, she continued. "And we're planning to spy on them."

A moment of silence. "We're planning to spy on them???!!!" The girl yelled making the ones surrounding her shut their ear tight. Su Yang felt as if his earbuds exploded. 

"Who wrote that? Cause-ha- I did not." 

No one answered. Lu Ya let out an exasperated sigh. 

"Fine. everythings set then." She gave a hard glare to everyone in the room. "no one will utter a word about this to anyone outside. Understand." 

Heads vigorously nodded and Lu Ya sighed contentedly. Todays meeting was a  success. 

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