Chapter 20: Plan in Motion

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"Go now." Lu Ya beckoned for Su Yang to go." Su Yang, who was opposite her, sighed before rushing up behind Jiang Wanyin, who was printing something. 

"A-Cheng!" He called out to a surprised Jiang Cheng who frowned upon seeing him. 

"What the heel are you doing here?" Su Yang clutched his shirt before speaking up. 

"Er--Boss wanted me to tell you that there's a client who wanted to meet with you." The boy chuckled nervously and Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow, suspicious as to what the kid was up to. 

"A client? Wanting to meet me?" 


"And boss told you to tell me?"

Su Yang nodded more enthusiastic now, knowing if he wasn't he was going to get an earful from Lu Ya. "ZeWu-Jun said the client wanted to meet up at the cafe a block down." 

Jiang Cheng was now very wary. "And why didn't ZeWu-Jun tell m himself?" 

"E-ZeWu-Jun also had a meeting to go to." Su Yang said, trying to come up with a convincing lie which wasn't really that much of a lie. 

"And his name is?" 

"Jack--Jack Thomasan." 

"Right. And the time?" 


Jiang Cheng checked the clock and it was 5 already. He sighed before nodding at the younger letting him know that he would go after he finished his work for the day. His shift ends at 6 so a last minute client meeting wouldn't hurt right. Lan Xichen would also be home by 7 so the sooner the better. 

Su Yang watched as Jiang Wanyin made his way to his desk and after making sure the older was t his desk and out of sight, Su Yang rushed over to Lu ya who was crouching behind a wall watching the scene.

"It looked like it went well." Lu Ya commented and Su Yang nodded. 

"It was. Did you also tell ZeWu-Jun?" 

"I did. Everything should be going according to plan if we both did it right." 



Lan Xichen sighed as he check his watch. It was exactly 5:30 and his client was not yet here. As far as he knew there was no client he was supposed to meet up with but if Lu ya said so then there probably is. That women was like his mother, so punctual and sharp. The thought of her just made Lan Xichens spine shiver. He sipped his coffee before looking around and to his utter surprise his eyes met another. A pair he knew very well. 

"A-Cheng?" he exclaimed in surprise. Jiang Cheng had the same reaction as him as he frowned and walked over. "What are you doing here?" The younger boy asked as he took a seat across from him. 

"Lu Ya said a client wanted to meet with me. So I am here." 

Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow a scene playing in his head. 

"A client huh?" 

"Hm. And you?" 

"Su Yang told me that YOU told me that a client wanted to meet with me here." 

Lan Xichen was shocked. He did not remember such a thing. Had he gotten drunk and done something that he failed to remember? Probably not. 

"I didn't though. I haven't given any orders out today at all." 

"Oh...perhaps is your client name---" 

"Jack Thomasan?!" 

They both exclaimed at the same time. What was going on. At that moment Lan Xichen's eyes drifted behind Jiang Wanyin and saw two familiar heads hiding. He stifled a laugh. Jiang Wanyin looked at him, clearly wanting an explanation. 

"Don't look now A-Cheng but we have some followers today." Jiang Cheng's face transformed with confusion and he took a quick glance behind him to see Lu Ya and Su Yang hidden behind two bushes eyeing them with binoculars. 

"They set us up." His eyebrows furrowed and Jiang Cheng clenched his fist. "They do realize their shift is not over yet right." 

Lan Xichen suppressed a smile. "It's ok Wanyin. We'll let them go this once." 

Jiang Cheng scoffed before sitting down. "So what do we do now?" 

"Obviously they're going to follow us to see if whatever they planned goes well, so why don't we just play along?" 

"Play along with what?" 

"Our date." 

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