9: Work

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"Thank God it's Friday!" Yuta screamed as he sat on his chair.

"You seemed to be excited, Yuta. You've got plans tomorrow?" Taeil noticed.

"I also noticed that Yuta, Jungwoo, and Johnny-hyung seem to be hanging out in the Department of Food and Health a lot," Taeyong chimed in.

"It's not our fault the love of our lives belongs to a different department," Yuta defended.

"If Their Excellences are starting their love stories, might as well join in on the action," Jungwoo said.

"Is it true, then? That the legend of the earth's and legend of travel's symbols have glowed?" Natae, the intern, jumped into the conversation.

"That's the latest story," Jaehyun confirmed in an indirect manner.

"By the way, Johnny-ya, I have had an idea for the longest time and now that I'm here, I want to present it to your bureau," Luhan changed the topic.

"What is it, hyung?" Johnny responded with interest.

"You know how the alternative learning system currently offers programs in culinary arts, self-defense, driving, tour guiding service, and carpentry. How about we expand the system by offering additional programs?" Luhan laid out his idea.

"That's an interesting proposal," Doyoung whispered to Taeyong.

"What programs do you have in mind?" Johnny was intrigued.

"To be honest, I have no current specific programs in mind yet," Luhan replied. "However, seeing that our current programs are aligned with specific departments — culinary arts for food and health, self-defense for security and defense, driving for transportation, tour guiding service for natural resources, and carpentry for infrastructure. How about I survey the remaining six departments to give us an idea of what basic skills could we teach the public?"

Johnny stood up from his seat in amazement, "I like your idea, Luhan-hyung! Can you work on the survey next week? Then, we can schedule a presentation with His Excellence for his comments and, if possible, approval."

"Sure. I'll try to compile the information by next week," Luhan was excited.

Inspired by Luhan's efforts, the rest of the Department of Education went back to their respective jobs with renewed passion.


Meanwhile, in the Department of Defense and Security, Jimin was consulting with Xiumin about something.

"Hyung, do you have any idea how we could reduce fight breaking out in prisons?" Jimin was out of his wits. "His Excellence needs my feedback by noon."

"Wait a minute. Let me check my notebook of ideas," Xiumin told Jimin.

"You have a notebook of ideas?" everyone's attention turned to Xiumin.

"You know sometimes how your mind seems to work better just before going to sleep? I write any useful ideas or ideas with potential in this notebook just in case I can use or improve on them," Xiumin explained while showing them the notebook.

"That's a nice idea. I should do that from now," Namjoon nodded.

Xiumin suggested after minutes of thought, "How about painting the prison houses in a certain color?"

"What do you mean?" Jimin was confused.

"You know how colors are being used to subtly influence our behavior in a certain manner, right? Like how fast food chains and restaurants use the red color to stimulate our appetite or green to indicate 'natural' or 'organic'. You know there are certain times when we look at a certain color and it instantly changes our mood. I think we could do the same for prisons," Xiumin elaborated. "Maybe there is a color that could reduce their aggression."

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