36: Kick Back

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Xiumin immediately prepared dinner as soon as he arrived. It was supposed to be the usual routine. However, what was different today was that Xiumin was moving a bit rushed and a little unfocused.

"Hyung, the water is boiling over," Tao pointed out. Xiumin stopped chopping the onions and ran to adjust the flames.

"Hyung, you're spacing out. The onions are burning," Kai pulled Xiumin back from his trance.

"Hyung, you forgot to add the soybean paste," Lay noticed, causing Xiumin to add it to the soup hurriedly.

After much struggle, Xiumin was able to serve the dish for tonight, doenjang-jjigae. They were eating their dinner but couldn't help but express their concern.

"Hyung, what's wrong with you today? You seem out of it," Baekhyun mentioned.

"I haven't seen you struggling to cook like that in years!" Luhan emphasized. "Spill what's up."

"Okay, I know we made a promise on Baekhyun's birthday to have no secrets between us," Xiumin braced himself for impact. "Kim Jongdae kissed me today at work and we got our memories back."

Baekhyun shrieked, "Kim Jongdae... as in Chen? The legend of lightning? That same person kissed you?"

"But more importantly, got your memories back?" Luhan understood the implications. "That makes you..."

Tao caught on, "You're the legend of frost, aren't you?"

"Is it true, hyung? Are you really?" Lay was expectant.

"It seems surreal but it is true. Even I couldn't believe it until now," Xiumin confessed.

"Welcome to the club, hyung," Kai said while Baekhyun and Luhan did the deaf applause.

"How did it happen?" Luhan probed.

"Well, as I have told you, he knew about my crush on him due to the lie detector test incident. Since then, he has been teasing me every day about it, like flirting with me in front of everyone," Xiumin recalled. "Then, this afternoon, he went to the office to tease me before telling Jimin-ssi that his request had been granted. However, instead of Jimin, he wanted me to join him in his office to receive the document and hand it over to Jimin."

"Sounds like he's just looking for an excuse," Lay giggled.

"Even when it was just the two of us in his office, he still teased me. So, I snapped and rambled. In the middle of my rant, he suddenly kissed me and the rest is history," Xiumin was embarrassed by the end of the story. "We talked after the kiss and somehow I accepted everything that came along with our relationship."

"So, does that mean another press conference is on the way? Isn't it too sudden considering Baekhyun-hyung and Luhan-hyung's first official appearance was just Monday?" Tao sounded unsure.

"And you have no problem with my situation? I was worried about how will you react as soon as I arrived," Xiumin, quite frankly, did not expect this lackluster response.

"And why would there be a problem? We are a family and there is nothing we could do about it but to accept the reality," Baekhyun stated. "Nothing could stand in the way of love."

"And besides, you were honest about it and told us as soon as it happened. Unlike Baekhyun and Luhan-hyung," Lay smirked.

"Hey! I heard that!" Luhan and Baekhyun chorused.

"This group is becoming more and more interesting by the day," Kai muttered under his breath, smiling.


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