29. 🔥Dominik's distraction

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October 23, 2040
4:16 PM

Illy stood in one corner of Attila's office, the fuzzy blanket still draped over her shoulders, her fingers gripping its edges tightly to cover herself as Mia examined Attila's large form laying on the floor by his desk.

He had stopped seizing and was now simply lying there motionless, staring into the ceiling with vacant eyes and she observed, tense with unease, heart pounding hard in her chest, as Mia moved around him, and despite his cruel treatment towards her, Illy felt concern more than anything.

Mia seemed to share her worry, the tension in her small frame making it clear just how much she cared for him.

And to think, Attila was fine only an hour ago, yet now he was on his back, looking pale and sickly, his skin clammy with sweat and his breathing shallow.

Illy had never seen him this vulnerable before.

Dominik had left to get a wheelchair, and he returned a few short minutes later, maneuvering it into the room.

Attila's breathing had become more regular by then, his color slightly less pasty and his eyelids started to flutter.

"The good news is his condition has stabilized," Mia said, swiping away the data she was looking at, "He should return to baseline in another hour or two."

"That's a relief," Dominik said, and after helping the large male into the wheelchair, he placed both hands on his hips, letting out a long breath as he looked over at Mia, "I assume there's some bad news as well?"

Mia placed a reassuring hand on Attila's shoulder, offering a paltry smile, "The surge disrupted the connection between the implant and his cerebellum, resulting in impaired mobility in his leg."

"How long do you think it will last?" Dominik asked, the furrow in his brow growing deeper.

"I'm not sure. Anywhere from a few hours to a day or two. The connection to his neural network is reforming as we speak," Mia explained, "I don't anticipate any long-term damage," She added, though she seemed unsure of it herself, "Though we'll need to monitor him for some time to confirm. His processor is holding up though. It clearly wasn't designed for extended use but so far it's exceeded even my expectations."

"I'll need a full inspection of that data," Dominik continued, "And maybe a look at his system diagnostics."

"The logs all came up normal, just some overheating, which doesn't really make sense."

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