Rosso Vargas

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2p!Seborga, also known as Rosso Vargas, is an alternate version of Seborga, a character in "Hetalia: Axis Powers" who is serious, reserved, and a no-nonsense individual. He prefers formal attire and values discipline, order, and efficiency. Rosso has reserved emotions and is highly ambitious, setting clear goals and working diligently to achieve them. He has a minimalistic lifestyle, valuing simplicity and practicality over extravagance. He thrives on a structured routine, avoiding deviations from his plans and schedules. In contrast to Seborga's carefree and playful nature, Rosso Vargas embodies a serious and disciplined personality, making him a distinct character in the "Hetalia" universe.

Notes: I am so frustrated with this chapter! Quick story, I had another version of this. I was so happy with it, but suddenly it was erased. Now, this published part is a new second version of what is supposed to be. I hate myself. But enjoy~ I tried my best to stick to the old version!

Jewel orbs


The tradition of newborns receiving marbles with destined colors upon their birth had long been a cherished and mysterious part of the world's culture. It was believed that these marbles held the key to finding one's soulmate, a bond so profound that it could only be realized when both individuals clutched their marbles on the same day.

As the years passed, children grew up with their marbles as constant companions. Each marble was unique, representing the distinct qualities and connections between soulmates. Some infants held onto their marbles tightly, afraid of losing the precious link to their destined partner, while others displayed their marbles proudly, a beacon of hope that they would one day meet their soulmate.

The marbles came in various sizes and colors, each one signifying different aspects of the soulmate bond. There were marbles of deep sapphire blue, symbolizing profound emotional connections. Others were vibrant red, representing passionate and fiery relationships. Some were earthy greens, denoting a bond rooted in nature and serenity, while others gleamed like gold, indicating a connection that brought wealth and abundance to both individuals.

Years turned into decades, and generations were born into this unique tradition. As children grew older, they exchanged stories of marbles lost and found, of friendships that had blossomed into love, and of the anticipation that one day they would meet their soulmate.

For some, the marbles served as a reminder of the unseen thread that connected them to another soul across time and space. They believed that fate would guide them to their destined day, where they would release their marble from their grasp, and together with their soulmate, they would peacefully sleep or play on the earth.

The marbles remained a symbol of hope and destiny, a testament to the enduring belief that true love was out there, waiting to be discovered, one marble at a time.

But how can you find your true soulmate if you don't have one?


In the midst of this age-old tradition, You found yourself in a peculiar predicament—your marble were unlike any others. It was completely colorless, devoid of any hue or shade, resembling tiny orbs of crystal, transparent and ethereal. It was as if your soulmate were a phantom, hidden in the subtle shades of existence, eluding your grasp. You often pondered how you would ever find your true soulmate when your marbles provided no clue. Would your meeting be a chance encounter, an unexpected twist of fate that defied the very traditions that governed your world? Or was there some other mysterious force at play, waiting to reveal itself in due time?

As you gazed at your colorless marbles, their transparency seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. You couldn't help but wonder. The journey to find your soulmate, devoid of the usual markers and signs, was destined to be a unique and enigmatic one. You were prepared to embrace the unknown, trusting that love, in all its forms, would eventually find its way to you.

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