Sadakat Adnan

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Sadakat Adnan: Sadakat Adnan or 2p!Turkey is a reserved and introverted individual who values humility and tranquility. They maintain a calm and composed demeanor, avoiding confrontations and prioritizing peace. Modesty and self-effacement are key traits, and they prefer solitude over socializing, often downplaying their achievements and cultural heritage. This alter ego serves as a contrast to Sadiq Adnan's outgoing and confident personality, adding depth and diversity to the character within the Hetalia series.

Note: A Zing, also known as "love at first sight", is a recurring theme in the universe. It only happens when one person meets his or her soulmate with whom they will spend eternity. Even if they don't know it at first, they are drawn to each other and want to know more about the other; with Mavis usually finding Johnny no matter where he was.

Love at first sight

You step out onto the bustling street, heading toward your destination—the library. The concept of a Zing, or "love at first sight," had always fascinated you. It was said to be the moment when two souls recognized each other, destined to spend eternity together. The idea that it had played a role in your parents' meeting added to the mystique of it all.

The library was your sanctuary, a place that never failed to bring you joy. The hushed whispers of pages and the scent of aging paper filled the air, creating an atmosphere of solace and wonder. As you entered, the door creaking softly, you couldn't help but smile.

You made your way to your favorite spot, tucked near the back but with a clear view of the librarian's desk. It was the perfect spot for your love affair with books and your occasional people-watching. Collecting the books you intended to read, you occasionally glanced up from your task. There was something captivating about observing the library's patrons, each person immersed in their own world of words.

As you settled into your chosen seat, the anticipation of the stories within the pages filled you with excitement. The library was not just a place to read; it was a place of discovery, where new adventures awaited with every turn of a page. And perhaps, in the midst of those stories, you might find your own tale of love and destiny, a Zing waiting to unfold.

In the midst of your library visits, there was another quiet fascination that had captured your attention—the librarian. He possessed a slender and graceful physique that seemed to harmonize seamlessly with his reserved and composed personality. Every movement he made was deliberate, his gestures measured and thoughtful. It was as if he carried an air of serenity and contemplation within his very presence.

He was, in every way, the embodiment of a librarian, a figure who fit the role with remarkable precision. However, what made him intriguing to you was the curious addition to his appearance—a typically plain white mask. This mask concealed the upper part of his face, encompassing his eyes and forehead.

The mask was a mystery that piqued your curiosity. It added an element of intrigue to his already enigmatic persona. It was a striking contrast to his otherwise unassuming appearance, an anomaly that made you wonder about the stories and secrets hidden behind that unadorned facade.

So, as you delved into the pages of books, you occasionally couldn't resist sneaking glances at the librarian, watching him move with grace and composure, all the while contemplating the enigma of the plain white mask that veiled his expression. It was just one more layer of intrigue that the library offered, a puzzle waiting to be unraveled amidst the world of written tales.

The passage of time always seemed to accelerate when you were immersed in the world of books. As you reluctantly glanced out the window, you noticed the sky darkening, signaling the approaching evening. With a resigned sigh, you carefully collected the books you had enjoyed and began to return them to their rightful places on the library's shelves.

The task went smoothly, and as you placed the final book in its designated spot, you heard a subtle shuffle behind you. Turning, you found the librarian on the opposite bookshelves, similarly engrossed in the task of reshelving books. He was obscured by his plain white mask, leaving his expression a mystery.

Feeling your gaze upon him, the librarian paused and turned to look in your direction. The mask concealed his eyes, making it impossible to discern his thoughts or emotions. However, what happened next caught you completely off guard.

Suddenly, he set aside the books he was holding and swiftly began walking toward you with purposeful strides. Confusion etched across your face, you instinctively began to step backward, assuming he was simply on his way elsewhere in the library.

But to your surprise, he continued to approach you, his pace quickening. Your heart raced as you attempted to make sense of the situation. With a sinking feeling, you closed your eyes and offered a hurried apology, half-bowing in acknowledgment of your presumed mistake. "I'm sorry!"

Your words hung in the air, but they were followed not by anger or reprimand but by a simultaneous cry of pain from both you and the librarian. As your bowed head collided with his chest—his tall and unyielding chest—the impact left you both momentarily stunned. His ability to breathe was momentarily compromised, and you winced in pain, clutching your aching head.

"Özür dilerim," the librarian uttered, his voice calm and composed despite the accidental collision. He had quickly recovered and extended a reassuring hand, guiding you gently to a nearby table where you could sit. You placed your trust in him, still cradling your aching head and keeping your eyes tightly shut.

Sitting down, you winced in pain, but the gesture had not gone unnoticed by the librarian. His voice, when he spoke again, was deep and close, sending shivers down your spine. "Do you need something cool to put on your head?" he inquired, his concern evident.

You nodded in response, the pain in your head making it difficult to formulate words. The librarian left you sitting there for a moment, waiting patiently for his return. The unexpected encounter had taken a peculiar turn, but there was a sense of comfort in his presence, though you don't know why.

You slowly opened your eyes, the unshed tears from the earlier collision still lingering, but now you could see clearly. The librarian was approaching, holding something in both his hands. In one hand, there was the ice pack he had retrieved for you, a thoughtful gesture to soothe the pain in your head. In the other hand, however, there was something white, and you blinked in confusion.

Rubbing your eyes to ensure you weren't imagining things, you focused on the object in his hand. It was indeed a mask, the very one he always wore. Your eyes widened in astonishment as you realized what was happening. He had taken off his mask, revealing his face to you, unobstructed.

With a mixture of curiosity and wonder, you looked up to see his face for the first time. Your gaze met his brown eyes, which gleamed like polished chestnuts. In their depths, you could sense a mix of secrets and emotions. As you locked eyes with him, something extraordinary happened—a purple haze, like a glittering veil, seemed to momentarily wash over both of your irises.

In that moment, you shared a profound connection, and you could see the same purple hue reflected in his eyes. It was as if destiny had finally unveiled its gift to both of you. The Zing, the undeniable recognition of soulmates, had come to fruition, revealing the depth of your connection that had been hidden for so long.

The library, once a place of silent contemplation and secrets, had now become the stage for the most unexpected and profound revelation of all. You and the librarian had discovered each other, and in the shimmering purple gaze, you found a love that transcended time and circumstance, bound by destiny's hand.

"I could always find you..." he mused silently to himself, the darkness of the night providing the perfect cover for his obsession to take hold.


A/N: 2p characters will always be dark no matter their personality. Thanks for reading! Please leave a vote or comment! See you next chapter~

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