Lovino Romano Vargas

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A vulgar yet loving word

'I fucking love you, OK?'

Some may call you innocent, and some may call you weird because, ever in your lifetime, you never heard you utter one curse, not even a damn or heck.

Some will give you worried glances when you tell them that there is a curse word tattooed on your skin (cause, hey, you don't share the full words with others; you'll never know...) because no one has the guts to say or even cuss with you around. You don't know why. But because of that, it gave you a big chance to easily find your soulmate. First, he's not in your circle of friends because they don't cuss for your sake, and second, he's not at your school because no one has the guts to cuss you out.

Well, you'll just have to find that cussing soulmate you were destined to love.

Running on the hallways and being scold by a teacher is not on your agenda for today, but you're going to be late to show up on your friends gathering party.

Sharply turning right, suddenly you were thrown off your feet. Looking up to apologize you saw your Italian classmate, Lovino. You blushed from embarrassment but you still managed to give a cheerful smile to him.

"I'm so sorry! Thank you, Lovino."

"I didn't saw you, because I was running so fast. I hope your not hurt somewhere, Lovino." You asked, you bowed at him and tried to check his nonexisting injuries.

Keyword: Tried

He suddenly hugged you, and felt him inhaled your scent as he buried his nose on your neck. Blushing with the sudden intimacy, you pulled away. But his arms are still wrapped around you.

"I fucking love you, OK?" He said blushing like you.

"Ever since the first time we met. The first time we bumped to each other in middle school. You apologized and actually know my fucking name. And it was exactly the words tattooed on me, but I was shit speechless and a fucking coward to talked to you. And when we became highschool. I did tried. I tried numerous time to tell you your my soulmate but, I'm a fucking jerk. But this happen, you still know me. That did it. I fucking love you, since forever. Bella ragazza, please be mine now?" He hugged you again. You pull away a little and replied.

"Of course, yes." You grinned as he laughed loudly and shout more colorful words. Almost not catching your words.

"A vulgar yet loving word to confess..."


A/N: Does it bother you that I always have an Author's note at every chapter? Well, you can always skip this since you'll want to read the next story since I'm being too creative today and decided to post a lot of chapter in one go on the first day I post this story on Wattpad, like just now? Well as I always say, I hope you enjoy the stories.


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