Gilen Beilschmidt

396 11 3

Character Description: 2p!Prussia shares traits with the 1P! Germany . He is orderly, clean, serious and strict. He has been shown to be cynical and business like.

Thunder rattled outside, as (Y/N) tossed and turned trying to sleep.

You opened your eyes in frustration, giving a quick glance at your phone you saw it was 3:00 am. Groaning you rolled out of your bed and proceed to rub your eyes.

Maybe starting the day early would be a good change and probably a good idea since it's your first day at your new job. Shivering from the cold and jumping from the sudden crack of thunder, you prepare for the day while hoping the day would be not as bad as yesterday.

As you're minding your business, you suddenly felt nervous and fidgety. Your soulmate's acting up again, you swear your soulmate is too apprehensive. You took a gulp of air and tried to think of positive things so your soulmate can calm down. A few minutes, you felt your soulmate relax and you gave yourself a congratulatory pat on your shoulder for a job well done.

You finished preparing and have an hour spare time, so you decide that walking to work is a fresh start. 

A fresh start to forgetting the past.

After that time when you were once a kid, an accident where after you start sensing your soulmate's emotions, the only thing you remember is the strong feeling of terror. You don't know if its yours or your soulmate's, but one thing's for sure... 

...almost getting hit by a truck while crossing the street would make you petrified and unable to move. The last thing you hear is someone shouting at your face, then eventually silence. You can't remember the face of the person shouting, but you know they were crying, but you never get to know them, its as if they didn't even exist.

Ever since then, you can't shake the feeling of being watch it was bearable because you felt that it isn't like it feel malicious but still, so after you turned 18, you decided to move out of your parents' house. And there's peace and quiet. No turning on your back to check if there's someone following you home, everything went back to normal. Maybe it was a stalker, it gives you the shiver whenever you thought that you have a stalker at a young age.

But its all in the past now, you're stalker-free now.

After a long and calming walk you've reached your destination. Working at a small convenience store as a cashier in a small town is better than in big cities, with jerks as a costumers. The place's only costumers are some elderlies passing by and the occasional middle school students coming home from school and some drive thrus.

Greeting the person on duty from the graveyard shift as you walk straight towards the personnel rooms and change into your uniform and apron. The uniform is neat and pleasing to the eyes and had a cute little apron with small pockets for you to put your pen. The store is easy to manage with how small and organized the place is. It was organized to the way that what the costumers most needed item is easily accessed without having to circle around some aisles and shelves. It's also safe for the employees, with a lock on the door of the counter and the small restroom inside for employees. It's a perfect place and a perfect job for you.

The only problem with it is today's shift is only for today. Tomorrow you will be working the graveyard shift,  you only got the job because the person supposed to man the counter on that time had resigned and none of the other employees want the position.

The reason, well, because of the other person on that shift. They said he doesn't talk to much, seldom interact with any of the other employee except for the owner and the person that had resigned. They said he's too quiet and reserved.

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