Egor von Bock

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A/N: Hi guys!! New update and a new OC! This is 2p!Estonia. Although I'm not that too familiar with Estonia except that his on the Baltic trio with Liet and Latvia and is a scared to Russia. And his and Prussia's voice actor are the same and.... He's a computer geek. That's all I know about him. So in his 2p!self I'll be making him still a computer geek except that he's not scared of Russia. I think that's about all. Enjoy!! Oh, the pic's is not mine!

Unfortunate event

Ever since you're a kid, you're this little kid that is always on that one bench outside the playground watching other kids play, or this kid that always eat outside the cafeteria on the shades of that old oak tree of your school campus. Meaning you literally outcast yourself from the world.

Are you OK?


Do you feel comfortable?


Do you enjoy the peace?


Do you feel happy?


Do you feel lonely?


It was sad that you don't have the confidence to approach and make friends with other people. Some happily approached you first, but it was for sympathy. They left after a little bit. You thought they can understand you. But they didn't.

So it was like a gift from heaven when technology came and communication is much better. Where you can communicate with others without worrying how to face them. You can be just you.

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