Catch Up

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On the twenty-second day of June in 1992, Nikolina "Nina" Persephone Lockwood was born to Kai Parker (who disappeared when she was two) and Evelyn Lockwood in Portland, Oregon. Nina was born a twin but her twin brother was stillborn. When she was a year old, Nina's mother was diagnosed with bipolar depression. She can't be alone when she's in an episode, so Evelyn started dating Karen Ripley and Karen took responsibility for both Evelyn and Nina.

When Nina was four, Evelyn learned that Nina's a siphon witch, just like her father, Kai. So that her ex-fiancée's coven wouldn't find and hurt Nina, Evelyn didn't give her a magic necklace. Nina knows she can always siphon from her because werewolves are a type of magical being, but Nina always said 'no, mommy, I no hurt you'. Nina knows spells because she did let Evelyn teach her and when she was six (when they moved to Mystic Falls), Evelyn got Sheila Bennett to teach Nina even more spells.

Sheila has no problem against siphons, no one but the Gemini does, if she's being totally honest. Sheila doesn't see siphons as abominations, she sees them as special.

Nina grew up and made some of the best friends she could ask for and she even developed a strong bond with her cousin, Tyler. Life went good, when when she met Damon and Stefan Salvatore, and discovered the existence of vampires.

Karen left when Nina was fourteen, so now Nina is a high school student and the caregiver of Evelyn when she has an episode. Evelyn feels guilty because her little girl had to grow up way too fast so she could take care of her. Evelyn should be the one taking care of Nina, not the other way around.

But Nina puts on a strong face. She doesn't mind taking care of her mother, Evelyn raised her and always took care of her - so Nina has no issue taking care of her mother because Evelyn needs it and Nina is a good daughter.

Nina's world goes in a whirl spin when she meets a certain original. She's scared to like him because of who he is but like the other couples she knows, you can't help who you're attracted to.

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