Chapter 7

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In a secluded country area, a car pulls up to meet another SUV. The driver of the car gets out and walks over to the man in the SUV. The man in the SUV is wearing a baseball cap and some sun classes.

"Where is she?" the man, Trevor, asks.

"In the trunk," the human replies. "I did exactly what you said."

"Good," Trevor says. "Put her in the back." He pops the back hatch when the human walks away. Trevor looks in the rearview at the doppelgänger once she's inside. He looks at the human once he's reached the door. "Thank you for your help."

"Is there anything else?" the human asks.

"One more thing." Trevor kills the human and drives away.

"How's your mom?" Bonnie asks Nina as soon as she sees her at school.

"She's good," Nina replies. "Her new antidepressant seems to be working better than the last one."


Nina hugs Bonnie and walks over to Tyler. She hugs her cousin, who triggered the curse last night. Tyler hugs her close and he exhales shakily. He feels immensely guilty for killing Sarah. It was an accident.

"It was an accident," Tyler whispers.

Nina sighs into the hug. "I know," she murmurs as Stefan listens in.

"Hey, Stefan," Jeremy greets as he approaches the vampire.

Stefan looks away from Tyler and Nina, and he turns to Jeremy. "Hey, Jeremy," he geeets.

"Look, Elena's got to let me know if I'm supposed to cover for her" Jeremy says. "Jenna's cool with the two of you but you guys are pushing it." He saw Damon leaving the Lockwood house (Evelyn and Nina's) this morning and he's kinda jealous but that's not what this is about.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asks as Nina and Tyler wander down the hallway.

"You and Elena," Jeremy says. "Look, I'm glad you guys are back together but I'd she's going to keep over..."

"Wait, wait... hold on a minute," Stefan cuts in. "We're not back together." His heart still hurts like hell that he and Elena even broke up because of Katherine's conniving ways.

"Wait... she didn't stay at your place last night?" Jeremy asks, a lump forming in his stomach.

"No," Stefan declines. "I mean, I saw her at the party but that was it. She didn't sleep over. I was home alone last night since Damon was with Nina"

"Elena's bed hasn't been s,per in and Mrs. Lockwood said that her car was still in the driveway," Jeremy says and Stefan gets worried. "If she wasn't with you last night and not with Damon and Nina and she's not here today, where is she?"

"Do you think Elena will be ok?" Evelyn asks her daughter as they drink hot chocolate when school's out.

"Damon and Stefan will save her," Nina says. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't a siphon so I could help more."

"I'm sure you help plenty enough," Evelyn coos. "It just means more you and me time while Damon and Stefan save the damsel."

Nina giggles and nods.

Damon is wide awake with Nina asleep naked on him at her house. Evelyn pokes her head in.

"I'm glad she had you," Evelyn says sincerely. "I know it's just sex, but I know you care about her."

"She was my first friends upon returning to this town after you left for Oregon," Damon remarks. "I'll always care."

"I'm going to bed," Evelyn says. "Goodnight, Damon."

"Goodnight, Evelyn," Damon replies.

Damon pulls Nina closer to him and she moves slowly and snores. Damon smirks and he just holds her.

Her Humanity (E. Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now