Chapter 11

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Damon looks at Nina as she gets ready for the Historical Society High Tea. She came over here first thing this morning for some morning sex and Damon eagerly engaged in the sex. Nina joined the Historical Society with her mom after she got her passing test scores, and she graduates in a few days.

"Tea, how thrilling," Damon mewls.

Nina kisses Damon on the lips and he hums against hers. "I like yea," she says. "And these events is what I was signing up for by joining the Historical Society."

"I know." Damon caresses her face. "Hey, behave yourself, yeah?"

Nina nods. "I'll try," she murmurs. "Elijah's going to be there,"

Damon blanches. "What!?"

"He's posing as a writer named Elijah Smith," Nina says. "His story's is that he is writing a book on small-town Virginia."

"Smith?" Damon smirks and Nina smiles. "Okay. I trust you."

Nina hums. "It's not like we're exclusive."

"Exactly." Damon pinches her sides, making Nina squirm. "Okay, go before I rip that dress off of you and keep you here all day."

Nina giggles and she runs off before Damon can do what he just said and he falls back, laughing.

"Nina!" Carol hugs her husband's niece. "Mr. Smith, this is my late husband's niece, the newest addition to the Historical Society, Nikolina Lockwood, but we all call her Nina. Nina, this is Elijah Smith, the author I mentioned."

"Hello," Nina greets.

Elijah kisses he back of her hand like he did Carol's. "Hello, there," he greets.

Nina smiles. "Have you had any luck finding research in Mystic Falls?" she asks. "Richmond as a historical wealth there."

"I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia," Elijah says. "A lot of research, strictly academic."

"That's such a shame," Nina says. "How about this... I've been in town since I was six, but if you let me buy you lunch one day while you're here, I can share what I know."

Carol smiles at the idea. "That's a lovely idea, Nina."

"That sounds lovely, Miss Lockwood," Elijah says to Nina and she swoons at him saying her last name so formally.

She sees Damon entering and smiles. "Excuse me, Mr. Smith." Nina walks over and she pecks Damon square on the lips before Andie, the news anchor wanting Damon, approach him.

"Hi," Damon mewls toward her as Jenna looks shocked.

"Hey!" Nina greets. "You came."

"I did," Damon responds.

"Mom! Rose!" Nina walks over to Evelyn and Rose. "You came, Rose. These things are boring, but the tea's good. Come on." Nina grabs Rose's hand and tugs her along.

Evelyn watches as Damon approaches Carol and Elijah. Evelyn hadn't seen Elijah since she was 19, after she had left Mystic Falls. He's unpredictable and to her, that makes him more dangerous than the others. Klaus, his plans are usually always so clear. He's a deadly kind of ambitious. Evelyn decides to walk over while Nina gets Rose some tea.

"Elijah, this is my sister-in-law, Evelyn Lockwood," Carol says.

Elijah's lip subtly quirks, recognizing her. "Hello," Elijah greets, "I'm Elijah Smith."

"Hello, Mr. Smith," Evelyn greets. She looks over at Nina and Rose and sees them talking as Carol walks away.

"Rose-Marie," Elijah murmurs her name.

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